Newbie question

Mar 2, 2008
I just installed my eclipse AVN2210p tonight ( which uses a tomtom for navigation). And I was at a friend's house in the middle of no where, So I had the navigation take me "home".
Well, it took me to the garden state parkway, which I know how to get home from, so I decided to stop the navigation since it was no longer needed. But search as I might I couldn't find a way to stop it from navigating, is there a secret I am no privvy to?

Any help would be amazing, thank you.
I just installed my eclipse AVN2210p tonight ( which uses a tomtom for navigation). And I was at a friend's house in the middle of no where, So I had the navigation take me "home".
Well, it took me to the garden state parkway, which I know how to get home from, so I decided to stop the navigation since it was no longer needed. But search as I might I couldn't find a way to stop it from navigating, is there a secret I am no privvy to?

Any help would be amazing, thank you.
Tap the screen, go to the third menu page, and tap "Clear Route"
go to your preference menu and make sure show all menu options is enabled. then go to the 3rd main menu page.

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