Newbie question


May 26, 2009
Hi guys,

A friend of mine gave me a demo model that was in a electronics store that was going out of buisness. I believe it is the TomTom XL 340. Anyway, everything works on it but, I guess because it was a demo model that it dosn't have the regular mini-usb port. It has one for a car, the car charger and one I can't identify but its really thin.

My question was is there anything that can be done to hook it to my laptop?

Thanks for your time.
My TomTom ONE 3rd Edition has a mini USB port that doubles as a charging port. Perhaps that true on that model as well?
You might right, the charging port is not a regular mini-USB port though, its very thin and flat, like those old cell phone chargers. Maybe the demo model isn't made to hook up to a laptop therefore not having a mini-USB port?
You may have gotten a 740. The 740 (and the old 510/910s) have an activedock connction, and no USB port.

Click the satellite bars in the lower right, then the version number button on the lower right. What does the device say in the upper left of the next screen?
Why not take a pic?

I agree with mvl. I have a 330 and all it has is a mini usb that is the data connection at home and charging connection in a vehicle. I THOUGHT the 340 had 2gb internal memory no SD card slot and only a mini USB just like the 330 (except more internal memory 2gb vs 1gb)
The 340 does not have a dock it has a USB cord. The 740 has a dock. I believe that will charge the unit as well.

And you can get manuals on Just go to their support and type in manual. I used to have the link from when a rep emailed it to me but I delete my emails
The 340 does not have a dock it has a USB cord. The 740 has a dock. I believe that will charge the unit as well.

And you can get manuals on Just go to their support and type in manual. I used to have the link from when a rep emailed it to me but I delete my emails

Hi there

Yes it uses a small USB connector, the 740 has a docking. I would suggest you take it along to a TomTom seller who will be able/ should be able to sell you the connector for it, I have never seen a 340 before but I have seen the XL's and they seem to have the slimmer USB port which is sunk into the bottom of the TomTom.

Have fun

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