new user

Jan 15, 2009
Clarksville Tn
TomTom Model(s)
Go 720
Hi all,

bought a 720 Jan 5th, got it for 179 which made me happy (had to return a one 130 due to speaker going out after 3 days).

Overall like the GPS. Window mount looks flimsy compared to one 130s. had to call and send receipt to get latest map guarantee to 815 but got it and cleared up issues. I have been surprised that it has sections of interstate I use (I65 in Nashville TN) where its quoting 45 not the 65 it really is. Turned off the max speed feature though as the constant beep warnings were annoying me *LOL*.

Have 815 version of app and am looking in regularly for new firmware to fix stuttering and hopefully put the direction FM transmission back into unit. (dont want to do the hot fix yet that is around the forums for stuttering). Was going to try out traffic but as I would have to add a data plan to my phone (15 bucks a month is minimum) as well as the now 59.99 mean approx 240 a year for the option and have decided not to shell out for it especially since my route into work has minimum traffic issues.


Welcome Steve. As you poke around the forum you'll find a lot of us are using third party suction cups. It seems the OEM-provided suction cup is sufficient for most users, but if you live in an area with roads that have a lot of potholes or your vehicle doesn't have very good suspension, the Mount Guys sell a number of alternatives. I *love* my Arkon suction cup; it has a much better grip than the OEM one. I tally it up as just one of the costs of poor road conditions in the bay area.

TomTom Support says the stuttering problem is well-known (which confirms they're getting calls about it already), and that we should receive an update within two weeks of you reading this information. :rolleyes: (and when you reread this post, the counter resets :D )
Yeah when I read some posts about sending information into them about the stuttering prob I got my system details and submitted it to them. I go the standard form response about we know its there and are working on it and are still collecting info from users *LOL*

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