New User (2505 TM)

Dec 29, 2010

My wife just bought me a TomTom 2505TM for XMas.

So far, in the few days I have been using it since Xmas, I can honestly say I'm extremely impressed and incredibly disappointed.

I have been using Google Navigation on my Android phone, so that is really all I have to compare to, but it seems like other than the TomTom's better routing, Google Navigation is so much easier to use.

If I want to go to "Home Depot in Richmond BC", I simply say it. The Voice Command of the TomTom leaves a LOT to be desired.

There seems to be no ability to do multi-point routing. This is the top-of-the-line model. Shouldnt it do something as basic as this??

I cant edit/categorize POI's. Again, see the statement above.

... and most importantly... I cant load Star Wars voices onto it?! WTH?

If I just wanted a point-and-go GPS, that would be fine, but my wife was under the impression that this would be a top-end piece of kit, but it seems like its been made by the "For Dummies" people.

Am I missing something? I'm honestly torn whether or not to take this back and exchange it for a Garmin 3760 LTM...

Talk me off the ledge b/c this thing does seem like it has a LOT of potential...
The Tomtom's voice command is gimmicky at best. Garmin's is better, but nothing comes close to Google Navigation voice command. Google is far and away better than any other navigation voice interface on the market. In short, you'll need to get used to screen taps on Tomtom, and on Garmin for that matter.

Much of the GO 2505 software interface isn't complete yet:
- Multipoint routing is coming by June 2011.
- custom voices like Star Wars are promised, but no date has been announced
- POI editing and categorization is already available (use mapshare), but computer POI loading won't work until end of January.
Thanks for the reply,

Good to know that they are still working on enabling what should be very basic features. Odd that they would be disabled and push the product to market though.

I have been unable to find a retailer for another mount and traffic/power cable.

Any suggestions on where I can find these? I looked on TomTom's site, but they had nothing...
Tomtom said that the platform redesign for the app 10.x devices proved much more difficult than they expected, and that they were behind schedule.

My guess is that they released the models without completing many features to meet the holiday sales rush.

The accessories aren't available in the US yet, but you might be able to find some European vendors that will ship to the USA.

Google for the following part numbers:
- Mount: 9UCB.001.06
- Traffic antenna: 9UUC.002.01

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