New USA Maps

Dec 26, 2008
Ohio, USA
TomTom Model(s)
TT Go 720
Now i can see that USA maps are available now, before it was USA_and_Canada. I have USA_and_Canada, if I get the update service do i have the choice to get only USA maps only ?
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You will be offered the combined map.

I suppose you could try to call support at 866-486-6866 and see if they'd switch your subscription to the downgraded USA only map. But, even if they did, I wouldn't expect a credit from them for the cheaper map.
My unit came with the USA and Canada maps, when I signed up for the quartely map update service I just took the USA as that is all I needed, it was cheaper than the combo, so the last two updates came as I had signed up for.....
Map 840 is the first time Tomtom released a USA-only map with IQroutes. I suspect it's the map included with the newly released USA-only iPhone app.

It appears to be unsimplified due to its large size, it might even have the full POI file. Maybe Tomtom is recommending it because you may prefer an unsimplified map of USA only, vs a "shrunk" North America 2GB (USA & Canada) that is missing certain POI.

I assume you have the option of buying a subscription for either, but it should be cheaper to buy a North America 2GB subscription since you'll get a discount on the prerequesite "catch up" map if you have a recent North America 2GB map already on your 720.
What makes you believe the map in the US only version iPhone app is more up-to-date than the full North American version? Not saying you're incorrect but I haven't seen anything indicating the map is anything other than a truncated version of the 8.35 mapset.
There never was a USA-only 835 map with IQroutes before. The prior USA-only map was a small one for the 1GB 125SE line.

The USA map here is 1.4GB, and when added to Canada's map it sums closer to "North America" vs "North America 2GB".
Understood. But FWIW I personally think it's still just the 8.35 map with Canada stripped out and not the 3-months more recent 8.4 version. But I don't have any evidence either other than a gut feeling.
There is no option just to get USA maps with update service on my TT Home. It displays my old map with discounted map with update service 35.85 + 47.80 = 83.65
You can try calling CS at 866-486-6866 and see if they can make it available to you.
There is no option just to get USA maps with update service on my TT Home. It displays my old map with discounted map with update service 35.85 + 47.80 = 83.65

Map update service only shows up for map versions that are already on your device.

If the USA subscription was available at all for the 720, you'd have to buy the USA map at full price, then it might show you the option for the update service.

I agree with DHN, call CS and learn your options before investing in the USA purchase and finding out it doesn't work.

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