New Roads

Jun 3, 2010
TomTom Model(s)
740 live
How long does it take for tomtom to get new road put on the maps. US_24 in Ohio has a new route. I just updated to the latest map and it still hasnt been updated. The road has been open since around October/November. Whats the deal? Anyone know? When I go on that road my tomtom has no idea what is going on it thinks I am driving threw fields. I have to turn the voice down just so I no longer her it telling to turn onto every nearest road.

Just annoyed,
It's not uncommon for 12-18 months to pass before some of these major new roads or changes are driven/verified and added to the maps. Minor or local roads maybe longer or even never. It's more involved than you probably imagine.
It's not uncommon for 12-18 months to pass before some of these major new roads or changes are driven/verified and added to the maps. Minor or local roads maybe longer or even never. It's more involved than you probably imagine.

Ya but why cant the gps that we use in our vehicles map out the route and then report the basic road to tomtom? I mean even close to accurate is better then being completely wrong altogether IMHO. Next time I go threw the area I will use the report new road feature and see what happens.

Also thanks for the reply!!!
Your device does upload a tracklog to TomTom when you connect thru TTHome. But the true track of the road and what your TomTom logged can vary by quite a bit. Certainly not precise enough to draw the road, and would still lack the type of road (dirt/paved), number of lanes, speed limit, whether it's permanent or a temporary construction detour, etc. That's why a physical visit is generally needed for major highways.
Your device does upload a tracklog to TomTom when you connect thru TTHome. But the true track of the road and what your TomTom logged can vary by quite a bit. Certainly not precise enough to draw the road, and would still lack the type of road (dirt/paved), number of lanes, speed limit, whether it's permanent or a temporary construction detour, etc. That's why a physical visit is generally needed for major highways.

Ya I guess the tomtom device doesn't have the pinpoint accuracy. But the things you mention could be taken care of via a simple options form/questionnaire. But I understand what you mean.

Thanks for the reply again
Then there's the new bridge

In Westfield Mass there is a new bridge a few hundred feet next to the old one. Both Tele-Atlas and Naviteq still show me flying over the river and warning me I have left the road. I can't say when the bridge was put there but it has been at least several months.
Further, one wonders if these map companies get input from highway departments that make these changes ???
New road? Then make a map share correction, and upload via Home.
Then go to the Teleatlas site and there is a feature there for telling them about corrections.
At the very least, they will become aware that they will have to check with highway authority or visit the site.
Yet another update and yet US-24 in ohio is still wrong. Whats the point of purchasing map updates if even the major roads are not updated.
Something else that I just recently became aware of. Tomtom does not necessarily drive a new road prior to mapping it. While 10, or 50, or even 100 uploaded tracks may not be precise enough for verification, TomTom has determined that some significant number of reports (?) combined with satellite images does make them comfortable enough to create a map entry. In short, they don't feel they need to physically drive every road prior to inclusion. While this may introduce a rare error, I'd agree with them. Given a few thousand tracklogs for a specific path, then averaging them would probably hit pretty close to the center-line of nearly all highways, local roads and even parking lot entrances. TomTom's got the right idea. But getting around to absorbing all the data they're pulling in is a serious challenge. They just last year became comfortable enough with the tracklog data to start having some confidence in it for use in identifying areas that needed investigation. They have much less confidence in user reported (mapshare) errors and omissions, which might explain why your mapshare reports are so seldom acted on.

So while Mapshare might make you feel like you're contributing to the TomTom community, they really don't trust us all that much.:eek: They'd much rather see where we've been and how fast we got there via our tracklogs.
I noticed that google maps has that section of us-24 listed correctly. So at least someone has it listed correctly. Hopefully it will be on the next update. Only problem then when they open the last section of the road we start over again with the slow update. And the same with the start also (they completely are re-routing the road.)

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