New owner of One 3rd ed.!!

Apr 23, 2008
i jumped on the recent deal, this is my first portable GPS ever! not much $, but already i can tell that it is 10x better than the POS GPS in my BMW 540. LOL

I just downloaded all the updates from HOME website, got the Austin Powers voice, and the latest lap.

I think I'll do a backup using the HOME website program as well.

Anything else I need to do?

BTW, what is the adhesive disk for..?
... i can tell that it is 10x better than the POS GPS in my BMW 540.
BTW, what is the adhesive disk for..?

Stick the disk to the dash of the Beemer and suction the unit to the disk...

I guess it's for those vehicles where:
1. You don't care of there is a disk stuck to your dash.
2. The window is too far away.

Personally, it's a good space-taker-upper in the original packaging that is around here somewhere...
just got mine today from the same deal! i did my first test run an hour ago and i love it, now i am going to start customizing/adding stuff!
Your new ONE 3rd have Itineraries?

My new (refurbished deal) ONE 3rd showed the Itineraries Icon without me adding the skdregistry folder and tomtom.mnu file. It also showed the Help and Map Corrections buttons but not the POI Management button.

Because I wanted the POI Management button and others, I did load Birdman's all-inclusive tomtom.mnu. Or at least I thought I loaded that one. I restarted the device to find a really messed-up menu so I'm not really sure where I picked up that particulat tomtom.mnu It had the basic two page icons and two pages of Mobile Phone icons so I suspect I may have got a menu file for a different TomTom model somewhere.

Strangely, after deleting the bad menu file, removing the SdkRegistry folder (using Windows Explorer), and Resetting to Factory Defaults, the ONE 3rd did NOT display Itinerary Planning.

In any case, I did download and load Birdman's customized menu and all is well now. Thanks mr Birdman for the excellent TT resources site.

Note that the out-of-the-box folder structure of the ONE 3rd did not have a SdkRegistry folder when I was seeing the Itineraries icon. It had only a 2 page Main Menu and at first power-up I received all the first time pop-up notices and was led through the setup of language, etc.

This particular unit is ver 7.1666 with map ver 710.1575

Prov1, please do your backup manually using Windows Explorer. If you peruse the forum, you will notice that many have had screwups when using the 'Home' backup.
Could you please let me know where you got Mr Birdman's menu.... I received my TomTom from deal and so far happy...


My new (refurbished deal) ONE 3rd showed the Itineraries Icon without me adding the skdregistry folder and tomtom.mnu file. It also showed the Help and Map Corrections buttons but not the POI Management button.

Because I wanted the POI Management button and others, I did load Birdman's all-inclusive tomtom.mnu. Or at least I thought I loaded that one. I restarted the device to find a really messed-up menu so I'm not really sure where I picked up that particulat tomtom.mnu It had the basic two page icons and two pages of Mobile Phone icons so I suspect I may have got a menu file for a different TomTom model somewhere.

Strangely, after deleting the bad menu file, removing the SdkRegistry folder (using Windows Explorer), and Resetting to Factory Defaults, the ONE 3rd did NOT display Itinerary Planning.

In any case, I did download and load Birdman's customized menu and all is well now. Thanks mr Birdman for the excellent TT resources site.

Note that the out-of-the-box folder structure of the ONE 3rd did not have a SdkRegistry folder when I was seeing the Itineraries icon. It had only a 2 page Main Menu and at first power-up I received all the first time pop-up notices and was led through the setup of language, etc.

This particular unit is ver 7.1666 with map ver 710.1575

Because I wanted the POI Management button and others, I did load Birdman's all-inclusive tomtom.mnu. Or at least I thought I loaded that one. I restarted the device to find a really messed-up menu so I'm not really sure where I picked up that particulat tomtom.mnu It had the basic two page icons and two pages of Mobile Phone icons... <snip>

I had the exact same experience with his "All-inclusive" menu when I tried it on my TT-3rd edtion. I had to change to his other one... which only has one mobile phone (on pg 3). Birdman calls it >>> My TomTom.mnu File <<< which can be found here.

At least I think that's the one I ended up using. There's only one mobile phone icon and it's on a page all by itself. If that menu I linked doesn't work, post back and I'll look more closely for it.
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Hello WestTx,

Thanks for sharing your input. Actually I also am looking to buy a refurbished TOM TOM ONE 3rd edition from, but little hesitant because of the map version. Just few questions: Did you have the latest map in your refurbished GPS? Is it possible to get the latest map if they come with old map?


My new (refurbished deal) ONE 3rd showed the Itineraries Icon without me adding the skdregistry folder and tomtom.mnu file. It also showed the Help and Map Corrections buttons but not the POI Management button.

Because I wanted the POI Management button and others, I did load Birdman's all-inclusive tomtom.mnu. Or at least I thought I loaded that one. I restarted the device to find a really messed-up menu so I'm not really sure where I picked up that particulat tomtom.mnu It had the basic two page icons and two pages of Mobile Phone icons so I suspect I may have got a menu file for a different TomTom model somewhere.

Strangely, after deleting the bad menu file, removing the SdkRegistry folder (using Windows Explorer), and Resetting to Factory Defaults, the ONE 3rd did NOT display Itinerary Planning.

In any case, I did download and load Birdman's customized menu and all is well now. Thanks mr Birdman for the excellent TT resources site.

Note that the out-of-the-box folder structure of the ONE 3rd did not have a SdkRegistry folder when I was seeing the Itineraries icon. It had only a 2 page Main Menu and at first power-up I received all the first time pop-up notices and was led through the setup of language, etc.

This particular unit is ver 7.1666 with map ver 710.1575

Hello WestTx,

Did you have the latest map in your refurbished GPS? Is it possible to get the latest map if they come with old map?


It's my understanding that the latest map is available if you contact TomTom suppport within 30 days of purchase. They give authorization to download the latest map using the HOME application.

What does the Mobile phone icon do?

I had the exact same experience with his "All-inclusive" menu when I tried it on my TT-3rd edtion. I had to change to his other one... which only has one mobile phone (on pg 3). Birdman calls it >>> My TomTom.mnu File <<< which can be found here.

At least I think that's the one I ended up using. There's only one mobile phone icon and it's on a page all by itself. If that menu I linked doesn't work, post back and I'll look more closely for it.

I press it and it doesn't seem to do anything. Is there another 3rd party application that is associated with it? If so, where can I get it?
I press it and it doesn't seem to do anything. Is there another 3rd party application that is associated with it? If so, where can I get it?
You press what? The mobile phone icon? Well if you have a TomTom 3rd edtion, that feature is not available on this model. Just ignore that icon.

Hope this helps.

You press what? The mobile phone icon? Well if you have a TomTom 3rd edtion, that feature is not available on this model. Just ignore that icon.

Hope this helps.

Yep, that's what I meant. Interestingly enough, when I later downloaded the Sunwise application, the mobile phone icon disappeared.

Glad I'm not missing anything.
ONE 3rd Edition Maps

I'm new, and wasn't sure where to go with this question, so forgive me if I'm in the wrong thread. Anyway, I just got my ONE 3rd edition, and I found that with the preloaded USA and Canada maps, there's almost no remaining memory. I'm about to leave on a business trip to Europe and wanted to purchase and load the Europe maps. Is there some way to do this? Can I get the USA and Canada off the device temporarily, load Europe, do my trip, and then reverse the process when I return? Or did I purchase the wrong TomTom? Thanks.

I should note, though, that I'm quite pleased with the device - simple, straightforward to set up and use.
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Question answered by TT Support

As the title says, the question was answered promptly and completely by TT support. Very nice! One of the main reasons I purchased a TT was that I'd read that the support was good - how right that is!

Basically, what I have to do is backup, move the USandCanada map folder out of the TT, load the Europe maps, then reverse the process after I return from my trip.
It's my understanding that the latest map is available if you contact TomTom suppport within 30 days of purchase. They give authorization to download the latest map using the HOME application.


That is correct, I just downloaded mine last night. Unfortunately, I guess I'm going to have to do it again..........

The maps they supplied were US & Canada 715 & now the 720 version just came out today. Looks like another upcoming night of endless downloading.......:(
That is correct, I just downloaded mine last night. Unfortunately, I guess I'm going to have to do it again..........

The maps they supplied were US & Canada 715 & now the 720 version just came out today. Looks like another upcoming night of endless downloading.......:(

I just picked up a brand new ONE 3rd at Staples for $111. I did all the updates and my maps are at 715. How do I get 720? TomTom Home shows that it's at the latest version.

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