New NA maps from tomtom?

Feb 13, 2009
Halifax, NS, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
GO 630
hi out there....
I bought a GO 630 a little more than a month ago, an took advantage of the free map upgrade and now they have just announced that there is a new upgrade for 70.00 USD. How many time a year do they offer a new map upgrade that you have to buy per year? I know that I will get free updates for a year, so why should I buy the latest map update? Don't the map updates that I get every day incorporate the latest changes, and/or updates..... At this rate it could get costly if every other month they come up with a new map at $70 to $110 bucks a pop!!!!
The mapshare updates you get do not add new roads, road geometry changes, remove non-existent roads, add POI's or poi location corrections, etc. They do note two-way/one-way direction updates, blocked roads, name changes, that type of thing. The actual lines on the map cannot be changed or updated with Mapshare. It is what it is. Many new buyers are confused by what Mapshare really does, so don't feel alone. So most owners would benefit from purchasing a new map every year or two. The most active road-warriors traveling several different areas might find even 2 or three updates a year to be useful. Tomtom offers map updates approx 4 times a year. Hopefully a yearly map subscription will be offered soon to those who would find it beneficial.
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Thank you for clearing that up. I am planning a trip to Pittsburgh in May so I might be to my benefit to buy just before I leave, and not worry so much about all the new upgrade offers.

Thank again for helping me to understand the process a little bit better.

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