New and Frustrated (ONE 140?S)

Aug 8, 2010
Miami, FL & Rochester, NY
TomTom Model(s)
Hi, my dad just surprised me with this TomTom GPS.

So I hooked it up to my Mac, and it didn't really do anything (should've been my first sign of trouble).
I went ahead and poked around since it mounted at something named "INTERNAL".
I clicked the TOMTOM Home Install thing and let it go and do its thing.
Then it was sending me to update the map, so I went ahead and did it since I figure it was a harmless download.
The harmless download took FOREVER so I ended up having to abort the install so I could get some sleep.
Now I turn on my device and there is no map found! (Grrr...)
I see that there is the map downloaded and stored on my computer.
I try to install and there's no space available.
I deleted a ton of voices to see if that will help, but no such luck.
So, I have an expensive paperweight with no maps and one voice that I'm ready to chuck out the damn window.

I wish I could get rid of this thing and just use the iPhone app, but I would feel bad just getting rid of a gift like this. (Perhaps one day he'll learn that cash is ALWAYS an appropriate gift for a college student.)

Now I've got a virtually useless TomTom 140 S with apparently not enough space to do much of anything...
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Welcome to TTF......

Okay, if you see the downloaded map on your Mac, that is good. I know the path on a pc for the downloaded map would be here:
C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Downloads\complete\maps\

I suspect the path on a Mac to be somewhat different but as long as you are sure you have it.....

For starters, look at the contents of the unit using Finder. I assume you have a USA_Canada_Mexico folder with stuff in there.

So, do this........

1. Make a complete Finder backup of the contents of your unit. Don't use Home.
2. Delete any loose files in the root of the unit, NO folders or their contents.
3. Connect the unit to Home. It should offer an application update. If so, accept and install. Don't accept any other updates, if offered.
4. Remove the unit properly from Home using the Device Disconnect icon on the bottom right of the screen.
5. Reconnect and start Home. Ensure no other application updates are offered.
6. Now, if you've gotten here, go to Add Voices/Maps, etc and follow the link for maps. It should show the map on your computer, select that to install. See if you are successful now.

Report back........
"Not enough space on your device"


Edit: BTW
The download copy that refuses to install looks like this.
Path: "/Users/sherise/Documents/TomTom/HOME/Download/complete/map/USA__Canada___Mexico"
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