Need Help

Feb 27, 2007
I have had my go910 for two years and it has worked great. Recently the directions are not giving me the street names just the plain old turn left or right. It has always read the street names aloud when giving directions. I checked the voices and for some reason I do not have any of the computer voices installed anymore. They are on my computer (susan and dave) but when I go to add voices it says my current device does not support this feature so they cannot be used. I also know I have two or three back ups on my computer but when I try to do a restore it says there are no back ups available?? Can anyone help me with this??
You could try a reset of the unit and then see if Home is more co-operative.

Also, if the backup is made with Explorer, not Home, you could format the unit and then restore the most recent (working) backup.
I have had my go910 for two years and it has worked great. Recently the directions are not giving me the street names just the plain old turn left or right. It has always read the street names aloud when giving directions. I checked the voices and for some reason I do not have any of the computer voices installed anymore. They are on my computer (susan and dave) but when I go to add voices it says my current device does not support this feature so they cannot be used. I also know I have two or three back ups on my computer but when I try to do a restore it says there are no back ups available?? Can anyone help me with this??

What I would do to delete all the downloaded voices on your computer by renaming them and then deleting the voices on your unit with home. Then I would disconnect using the icons on your computer tray on lower right side of screen. Then do a pin reboot and finally restart your unit on tomtom home where you should try to now dowload your computer voice again. Only one computer voice is really needed to be downloaded. I happen to like Dave.
I don't know if this will work but its worth a try provided you have a backup
Kick in the as*

Well I tried everything that was suggested and nothing worked. The sad part is I always had a good back up on my computer but that seems to have been wiped out also. Called tech and we went through everything they could think of to no avail. Then they basically said too bad because my 910 is over two years old they cannot take it back and reinstall the software or do anything else to help. They caused all this with their update and now will not do anything to help---pretty sad state of customer service.
Had you made any backups using Explorer rather than Home? If you use Home, each backup wipes out the previous one, so you only have just one on your hard drive at a time. If you lose that one, well ....:(
No, did not have explorer back up. Never thought I would need it. The only back up I had the update wiped that out also. There must be someone out there that could restore those voices??? Whats it going to take???
It's not the's the map that should be of concern.

Make an Explorer backup of your unit's contents now, whether the device is working properly or not. Ensure hidden files/folders are showing.

Once done, please report the application version you see when you tap the satellite bars. Then tap the version number to say what map and version you have. Then we can go from there.
The 910 uses a really old TTS engine, that is no longer downloadable from HOME.

And the map files are serial-number locked to your specific unit.

So if you do any formatting of the device, make sure both TTS and maps are backed up.

If you lost the TTS file, PM MikeAlder. He's got a backup of the TTS files from his 910.

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