Need help with Tommy

Jun 29, 2010
Hey, I am a first time poster. I have a question

I have a TomTom 325 SE. I am planning a motorcycle trip and have planned a very detailed trip on Googlemaps. I want to put the detailed map onto my tom tom so it follows the EXACT route I have planned. I have tried saving it as a GPX file and everything. I dont know how to load it onto my tom tom or if i can.

Anyone know how to load a specific route onto my tom tom. I want to be able to go on certain highways to enjoy specific places. Tom tom only does fastest/shortest routes.

Any help? Thanks,

Think your model comes with 'Easy Menu' which has far fewer options than full menued models. So, don't think Itinerary Planning is an option.

If, by chance, you do see it, then the file should not be saved as gpx (that's Garmin) but as an itn file
paste your Google map link here Tomtom and Google

This will create an itn file for you. Drop (through windows browsing) into the itn floder and as stated above if you have itinerary planning, you'll see it.
Well, I don't know that I can help any more with your itinerary, but if you've not gone through there, I'd stay off 441 through the Smokey Mtn Park park (unless your reason is to go very slow). If you get stuck behind a motor home, there is limited places to pass (even on a bike). Then you get to the top end and hit all the congestion of

If you get that close to the dragon, you might as well hit it and if you get near Maggie Valley you should stop at Wheels Through Time Museum (Home?-?Wheels Through Time) (Cherokee to Maggie valley is about 45 minutes tops)

Your route also bypasses some of the nice sweepers on I-40 (granted you're trying to stay off the highway, but that is the best section.)
Well i did it... It worked, kind of... It took my from my current location to the starting point of the route i had planned. There was nothing else... Any ideas
it appears you have the locations set up as destinations instead of waypoints. try some of the gpx to itn converters to see if they can be set up as waypoints

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