NA map help

Dec 10, 2007
Pittsburgh Pa USA
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom 720
I have read here where people say more detail on NA maps. Do you mean more roads? what exact is the difference?

I just looked at maps for my TT1 and really do not see a NA map. I found a NA map on the UK site for the 910 that is 2046mb. Is this the map you are talking about?
Will This map will work on my TT1 V2 with a 2GB card? I do have the SD card slot but I do not have money to waste on a mistake on this so I must get it right the first time.

Can somebody please varify this for me.
More detail in terms of lakes, ponds, parks, etc. The roads should be the same. I tested a ONE and a 910 and the maps were the same, but on the 910 unit, I did see a lot more lakes and parks and such. Also more POI data.
So is it worth the money to get the NA map and the 2GB card for use on a TT1 or just get the 710. us/canada map?

If you only see the more items on the 910 then maybe it is not worth the 25.00 difference then plus the agravation of installing it unless there is more roads on the NA map that the regular us/canada 710. map.

I wonder why the same POI does not show up on the TTI vers the 910 and the lakes and parks if they are both using the same map?

So you really need a 910 to take advantage of the NA map then but why do so many here have the NA map in there TT1 if the TT1 does not show all the POI and lakes and parks??? Why spend the extra money then if you are using a TT1??
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It depends on where you live. the North american map in my area has a lot more roads and subdivisions as well as more pois. way better than the usa/canada version. other people have reported here they see no difference in their area.

even the latest us/canada version 7.10 does not have my street and nearby subdivisions....while the NA version does.

still far from perfect though. I'd say the tomtom NA 7.10 is almost where my 10 year old garmin maps are, while the US/Canada 7.10 is still far behind.

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