Muting 720 from remote

May 1, 2009
Bayside, WI
TomTom Model(s)
XXL 550 TM
I have the bluetooth remote for my 720 and find it very handy. One thing that has bugged me though is that there is not a dedicated button to mute/unmute the sound. I have found a workaround that, while not perfect, is an improvement.

In the Quick Menu Preferences, I only have Switch Sound On/Off selected.

On the remote, if I press and hold the middle button above the volume keys, Volume On/Off will toggle. You have to hold it for roughly 2 seconds.

The down side is having only the volume in the Quick Menu. You can have additional items selected in Quick Menu, but then when you press and hold the middle button, it takes you to the Quick Menu menu, where you then have to navigate to the volume on/off.

Hope someone finds this useful.
interesting... I'll give that a shot and see how it works.

My "workaround" is a little more cumbersome... I wire the TT into m head unit with a cable, so all sound gets transmitted to the radio (by choosing "line out" as the audio option in the TT)

Then via the steering wheel controls, I can mute it there using the HEAD UNIT...or by simply changing the head unit mode from Aux to whatever else, like XM, FM, etc..

I know this sounds like trying to go from NY to NJ via Florida, but, ....:rolleyes:

The other thing I have become accustomed to is using the lower buttons to "slide" the volume level to 0.

Of course, that takes a bit as well and some more fumbling....
Have you tried pressing the main central button in the middle of the four way selector - press and hold this for 2 seconds and device will start up the voice control mode, then you can shout at it to mute the sound - Mike
Shout at it.... LOL...that's funny. I'll have to try that too. Hate to say it, I always seem to forget about voice recognition.

For ME, that isn't a very useful feature. Always forget it's there.

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