Motorola V3

Aug 13, 2007
Can't get my Motorola RAZR V3 to connect to my TomTom GO510. I've used the instructions the tomtom website put out but no go. My phone will locate the GPS unit and show up as TOMTOM GO. But the TomTom never finds the phone. Any help?
Which phone carrier are you using - the phones only work with a few? Also, are you trying to only set up hands-free, or data services also.

I have set V3's up on both 910 and 510 on T-Mobile. Only had trouble when their server was down for a few days - which happens occasionally.

Are you specifically having the GO try to find and connect with the V3 through the GO menu? If not, it will generally not connect by itself until it has been set up through that menu.
Can't get my Motorola RAZR V3 to connect to my TomTom GO510. I've used the instructions the tomtom website put out but no go. My phone will locate the GPS unit and show up as TOMTOM GO. But the TomTom never finds the phone. Any help?

Make sure you phone's bt setting is set to "visible". You can then set it that both pna and phone connect automatically even though the phone's bt is set to "invisible".
I'm currently with Cingular. I go to the Menu->Settings->Connection->Bluetooth Link->Setup->Find Me.
I have my bluetooth powered on.
Then I use the mobile phone option on the GPS unit to make a connection. Screen goes red and says it can't find the phone.
When you are about to pair it with your GO, select the 'Find Me' feature on your phone. It helps to located it.
That is strange. That phone should pair
Try to run clear the flash tool on your device. You can download it from tomtom's website under support.
ok what am I looking for to download? I can't find any info on software to download from the support page.

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