Mobile cameras on wheels are being removed from the database ?

Feb 28, 2023
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/nl.png" alt="Netherlands" /> Netherlands

The story goes like this: the provincial local government has decided to deploy mobile speeding cameras on wheels that keep changing locations ( called aka 'flexflitser'), so they are essentially nomadic in nature. About a month ago, one of these mobile cameras crossed my path, so I reported it via the TomTom screen. Two days later, I reported it again, and I suppose others must have reported it as well. I noticed that after an update, it was included. When I passed this mobile camera, my TomTom would warn me. Strangely, after updating my TomTom once or maybe twice since then, the camera has disappeared from TomTom's database, and it no longer warns or alarms me. However, the physical location of the mobile camera on wheels remains exactly the same.

What has happened here? Initially, it was included in TomTom, but now it has vanished from the system. I have reported it again even today. What prompts or triggers TomTom to remove the camera? Is the local government in cahoots with TomTom and informing them to remove it? I don't understand why this camera, located on provincial road N458 in the Netherlands , which is still there physically but no longer in TomTom's database. This is strange. I understand that reporting takes some time and TomTom then incorporates it, but why has it been suddenly taken off? I have noticed this for the last five or six days.

This sets a dangerous precedent because if these mobile cameras on wheels are being removed from the database, a lot of people relying on TomTom will not be alarmed. It gives a false sense of security.

Any ideas, guys?

GO 5100 WORLD (NL)
*PS: fixed cameras are detected fine ....routine as usual.
After reporting a mobile speed camera, the speed camera remains visible on the GPS for 2 hours.

if after 2 hours the mobile radar is not again report the mobile radar is deleted on the GPS.

Motorists must report it every time they pass this radar.

<After reporting a mobile speed camera, the speed camera remains visible on the GPS for 2 hours.>

As I mentioned, these are on wheels and tend to stay in one place for a month or so ( or even more...considering how lazy the civil servants are :p ). They are not like some cop hiding behind a bush and happily clicking away. For all intents and purposes, these 'flexflitsers' can be considered relatively permanent cameras, as this one has been standing here for more than a month now.

I understand the concept that motorists must report it every time they pass a radar( & the user is prompted to- as a pop-up) , but in this case, there are No prompts ....and clicking on something that will be there for a good month + or so seems a bit over the top. 🤔
by the way this is what this thing looks my eyes this is a sort of a 'permanent camera'. It definitely needs a Large Pick-up truck to move !


  • flits.jpg
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a mobile radar remains a mobile radar, this radar which can remain, as you say, for a week, a month or even two months in the event of construction on the road.

Motorists must report it every time they pass this radar.

In France we have this model of mobile radar.

Is this an agreeable proposition for everyone here on this forum?

What happens if you miss it at night time? , which one will.

Are you yourself comfortable with this TomTom procedure and policy?
I mean the one you show in France resembles a : Heavy Anti-aircraft artillery machine gun contraption...& users need to report this every 2 hours ...!

Times are changing, Big-Bro is changing ....... Shouldn't TomTom adapt?
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In my opinion we don't have much choice Tomtom to create a button to report the speed cameras so Tomtom will have to create a new button to delete this mobile speed camera a bit like on the amigo application.

The question is how to remove a mobile speed camera that is no longer visible on the road?
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<The question is how to remove a mobile speed camera that is no longer visible on the road?>

Good question indeed.!

One way would be: the local Dutch government plays open cards and let's its citizens know about these flexible radar cameras on their official government website. This is honest and something I need to give the government credit for, as it is playing a transparent game with it's tax-paying citizens. Maybe TomTom can go to these kinds of pages and update their camera database regularly. This way, there would be no need to delete or add cameras frequently.

Of course, exceptions include cops hiding behind bushes and gleefully clicking. Baring that 'sneak game', TomTom could periodically, maybe once every two weeks, consider updating their database from these official Government pages. This way, we get the latest camera information within those two weeks. If there is a false alarm, that's something we are willing to accept because I would rather have a false alarm than pay 100 euros for just exceeding the speed limit by two or three kilometers on my speedometer.

Now the question is, do other governments also play an honest and transparent game like the Dutch government is doing?( then there is also the question about the updation of these pages by the Govt. itself)

As For the local organization here in Holland (if they are reading this forum at all ), maybe it's a good idea for TomTom Netherlands to update their database periodically, twice or thrice a month, after considering this page too. The information is there; it just needs to be fed into an XML file and added or appended to the existing camera database.

So, this is my suggestion. Now only the great decision-makers/Pundits of T.T can now decide what actually needs to be done, as the game plan is changing and the cat-mouse game is evolving.
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