Further on GO 720 - Maps & Audio Books
Today I tried removing the maps from GO's hard drive while I already have the copy on the SDHC hard, and the device still function properly by reading on the SDHC card. Therefore, for those of you who would want to download more maps using GO, that can save 1.7 GB of space on GO's hard drive.
I am already a Audible.com member, so I tried downloading some audio books today. Here is how to get the GO 720 happily reading the files:
1. Suppose you have an Audible.com account (costs about $9 per year), you need to download the AudibleManager from the site and install it. You will need also the TomTom GPS device add-ons.
2. In AudibleManager, go to Edit > Activate to activate GO using your audible login ID and password. Choose "Internal" or "External (only works with SD cards)" on the right of the screen to decide where you want the audio books go on your device before you continue. (For SDHC, only Internal can be chosen, but you can always copy the files from GO's hard drive using a card reader on your computer.)
3. Get some audio books. There are actually some free ghost stories on the site for member download. These will save somewhere in your computer by the file extension ".aa". Don't think about copying directly these files to your GO. They will cause errors when you play them on the GO.
4. The correct way to download audio books to your GO is using the AudibleManager. On your internet browser such as IE, after you have purchased the books, go to "My Library" and set up your device (internet connection, TomTom, GO 720, and Format 4). Then go back to "My Library" and you can download the audio books by clicking the "Download" button.
5. IE will download the file and then put it in the AudibleManager and then convert the file and then place that in your GO's hard drive under "audiobooks". This is a non-stop, fully automatic process. You can then play the audio books in your GO. SDHC user just have to copy the files manually from GO's hard drive back to the card, and delete the hard drive copy.
The "audiobooks" folder must be placed where your maps folders are. If your maps are on your external memory card, you must place the audio book files on that card too. You will get playback error otherwise.
I have trouble doing a Audible download using FireFox. The .pl simply won't give me the download popup in FireFox, so I switch to IE to save my trouble fixing this problem.