8.010 is the Application Version (Navcore version) the latest for your One XL S
You are probably correct the first time and your maps are 710.1545
You can also contact TomTom via eMail click the image bellow for a guide on how to do this
You can set the level of mapshare accepted by going to Min Menu screen 2
Click on Map corrections
Then Click on Correction Preferences
You can then set/confirm you Trust level for map changes
1. Strict - Only use map changes verified by TomTom
2. High - Use map changes verified by TomTom and from trusted sources
3. Medium - Use Map changes verified by TomTom, from trusted sources and reported by many
4. Low - Use Map changes verified by TomTom, from trusted sources, reported by many and reported by some
It will then give you choices for Sharing corrections (Those that you make)
1. Ask me to share my corrections every time
2. Always share my corrections with others
3. Never share my corrections with others
Finally it will ask if you want to add the Quick report button
I would also definitely contact TomTom ASAP about your map update code
They may also ask for you to send or attach to they eMail form a copy of your sales receipt.