Map Version

Oct 21, 2008
Carson, VA
TomTom Model(s)
GO 2535
Just bought my TT a week ago and it immediately downloaded the most up to date map. Now I read in different threads that some of you have v 8.10 whereas my map, which Home keeps telling me is up to date, shows v 8.01. Which is right and what must I do to correct mine if it's wrong? :(
You'll need to call (don't email) TT Support and explain the situation. TT Home is notorious for being flakey when it comes to things like that.

Tell the person you speak with that you should have been offered 8.10. They should add it to your account.

I'm assuming you used the Latest Map Guarantee (being within the 30-day window).
Thanks! Got it, now all I have to do is go somewhere else to download it. That size file will violate the "Fair Access Policy" of my provider long before the download is finished thereby reducing my access speed to that of dial-up for 24 hours. The download would never finish. But, I do know where there is a T1 line with an unsecured wi-fi connection. ;)

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