map update

Nov 26, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
I 've just bought today a tomtom one 3rd edition, but i think the data map is 3 year old and I made the lastest update, is it normal? And is it something to do to solve this problem?

I sended some changement to tom tom , how much time it can take before tomtom release an update?:confused:
even the latest updated map may still be a little behind the times. as i understand it, the mapmakers have to receive there input from the different states. all of that would have to be programmed in to the map and then production and distribution of the product. so it all takes time. is there something missing such as roads you know are there but not on the map?
Some street name and door number have changed since 1-2 year. And for the missing road, it's a complete sector of 20-25 streets is missing and those street they are there since 2-3 years.
you could try google maps are any of the other online maps and see if those streets that are missing on tomtom are on the online maps. just for a comparison. if the streets are there on the online maps, then send a correction to teleatlas or tomtom for their consideration in the next update. if the streets are not there on the online maps, then maybe the state has not done their job and sent the info to the map makers.

maybe someone else that knows better will chime in as i am certainly no expert on the inner workings of the map makers or tomtom.
i've just look on google map , and those street are not there, but it's a new sector in devlopement, maybe it's normal or not. But on google map, the majority of the street who have changed of name in the last year, are changed on google map.

Ps sorry for my english i'm french from quebec;)

And an other thing, I want to know how many update can be made before i must pay for them, taking in concidaration i bought my gps this morning
you know you can change the street names to whatever they are supposed to be thru map share. that way, every one who is participating in the map share updates gets the update also. i don't know how long the mapshare updates are valid for. there has been some discussion on that in other threads on this board, but right now i don't think anybody really knows because tomtom hasn't been very clear on the subject. i know there are some streets missing on the latest tomtom map update that does appear on the navteq maps. so i don't really know what the deal is there. one can only hope that these problems will get worked out soon.

no problem with the english. i understand you fine. i guarantee you speak better english than i do french.;)

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