Map update

Jun 30, 2009
Lincolnshire. UK
TomTom Model(s)
Hi everybody. I have a Tomtom 700 and my computer runs XP SP3. Every time I connect my TomTom 700 to the computer it checks for updates, and it always shows there is a map update. When I down load this map and try to install it, I get the following error message. Can anybody help please? Thanks. WS

ERROR: DesktopLib/InstallToDevice/GetInstallable/InvalidFile: The archive file contains this file: pna.log
The file should not be part of this archive: C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\map\Western_Europe\
@ .\framework\InstallToDeviceThread.cpp(949)

in .\framework\InstallToDeviceThread.cpp:949
0. chrome://tthome/content/ui/bindings/commit.js:84
1. chrome://tthome/content/ui/bindings/ttwizard.xml:1032
this._commitFailed(i, commitPage);
2. chrome://tthome/content/logic/util.js:81
return func.apply(obj, arguments);
3. chrome://tthome/content/logic/dllUtils.js:77
4. chrome://tthome/content/logic/dllUtils.js:69

Time: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 15:41:05 GMT
You may wish to go into Home, Preferences, Folder Locations and confirm whether the path set out there for downloads matches the path shown in the error message:

C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\ complete\map\Wester n_Europe\
Map Updade

Hi DHN. Thanks for help. The download folder is exactly the same as the error message. without the I have tried to use preferences to add this, but failed . Thanks. WS
You can avoid Home completely to do the map install.

Use Winrar to expand the map folder and let it overwrite the contents of your existing map folder.

Not sure with your map/model, but, if in the cab file there are two folders: the actual map folder and another called map with a file ending in .toc, then make sure that map folder replaces the existing one on your unit.

Do make an Explorer, not Home backup of your unit's contents prior to doing any of this. Ensure hidden files/folders are showing.
Hi DHN. Thanks again for your help. Am I right in thinking I only need to expand only the Western Europe map to my TomTom 700, and not the folder ending .toc? The Western Europe map version on my 700 is 606.24017.24017, and the one that keeps coming up as a update is Western Europe version 660.
I have done as you suggested and made a backup of my 700 device using Explorer. Sorry for being a bit slow, but I am classed as a silver surfer, and I very much appreciate your held and advice. Thanks again. WS
I'm saying that winrar will keep the file/folder structure it finds in a compressed file; consequently, let it do its thing when expanding it and let it overwrite any folder (and contents) as well as loose files it finds in the root of your unit.

If it goes well, then make another Exploorer backup to a different folder on your computer.
Hi DHN. Thanks for your reply. I have done as you suggested, but the extraction stops, with an error message saying "The disk is probably full". As the total file size of the extraction is just under 1Gb, and my GO 700 has only a 2.5Gb HDD, Will I have to wipe the drive clean before I can update the map, or is there another way round the problem? Thanks again for your help and patience. WS
After a full Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit, extract the cab file to a temprary folder on your computer, DELETE the map folder from your UNIT and then copy the extracted map folder from the temporary location on the computer to the unit itself. See if that works.
Hi Dhn, It's me again. Thanks for your last bit of info. I reckon I can remove the map from my GO700 by using TT Home. But which of the following files below, would I use to replace the map?

I also have a PDA with TomTom installed on a SD card. Could I copy the map using a card reader to my GO700? I suspect not myself, or is there a way to delete the .pna files that are stopping the update from installing. but as you have probably gathered, I'm no expert in these matters.

I feel very guilty about the time you are spending trying to help me, and do not wish to take advantage. If I am not going to have any success with this map update, is there any way I can stop TT Home from saying this Map update is available?

Many Thanks. WS

<b># Archive Z:\TomTom Downloads From 26-02-09\complete\map\Western_Europe\</b>
2005-09-24 18:56 63 0 traffic.dat
2005-09-24 18:56 33 0 Western_Europe.mid
2005-09-24 18:56 15 0 Western_Europe.mpr
2005-09-24 18:56 60 0 Western_Europe.pna
2005-09-24 18:56 12608770 0 mapinfo.dat
2005-09-24 18:56 2224200 0 tmccodes.dat
2005-09-24 18:56 220546698 0 cnode.dat
2005-09-24 18:56 533540182 0 cline.dat
2005-09-24 18:56 91846513 0 cname.dat
2005-09-24 18:56 21 0 pna.ini
2005-09-24 18:56 88 0 pna.log
2005-09-24 18:56 37182659 0 poi.dat
2005-09-24 18:56 36 0 rect.txt
2005-09-24 18:56 49609338 0 faces.dat
2005-09-24 18:56 15 0 Western_Europe-9d8a80.mac
# Total Size Packed Files
# 947558691 0 15
Use Winrar to expand all the files to the unit and winrar will maintain the folder structure,
Map Upgrade Error

I had a Free Map Upgrade Promotion Code and kept on getting:

ERROR: 203
ERROR: 220
ERROR: -500
Internal Server Errors

you name it and it was spitting in my face.

I got it going in the end by setting my Downloads folder "Sharing & Permissions" to Everyone Read & Write"

In you TomTom Folder Prefs you can assign Downloads / Backups / Computer Copy / Shared Items. Gut I guess if the access Privalages are not set right then TomTom Home can't download sxxx!! I also pissed about with TomTom Connection Prefs but it only worked on "Direct Connection" (default)

Hope this helps someone as it realy did my head in.

PS I'm on Mac G5 OSX 10.5.7 and managed to download the UK & Rep Ireland v830.2306 Map
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Hi Dhn, Thanks for all your very helpful posts. I'm going to end this Tread now, and I will try what you suggest when I summon up enough courage to delete the map on my device and let Winrar do it's thing. Thanks. WS

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