Map prices are out of line!

Nov 23, 2009
I have had my TT920 since it first came out. I paid over $450 for this unit. I have loved it! Since new maps became available, I have had nothing but issues! Reboots/shuts off at random, takes forever to startup, takes forever to find a Satellite signal, etc.
What is rediculous is that to update the map in my 920, it costs $89. You can buy a NEW GPS for under $100 now. I can even activate the GPS service on my phone for less than $89/year!!!!
I am very disappointed in the prices of the map updates...being so far out of line and the fact that my 920, coincidentally, has issues since new maps are available
I agree!

I subscribed to the quarterly update service for $79 and never get notified when a new map is available. I have not been able to download the last update even though my year is not up until June 0f 2010. I e-mailed TT three days ago reguarding the problem am waiting for a response. I aggree that their map updates are over priced considering the price of new units.
Phone them at 866-486-6866. You'll get a much faster response than by email.
I have had my TT920 since it first came out. I paid over $450 for this unit. I have loved it! Since new maps became available, I have had nothing but issues! Reboots/shuts off at random, takes forever to startup, takes forever to find a Satellite signal, etc.
What is rediculous is that to update the map in my 920, it costs $89. You can buy a NEW GPS for under $100 now. I can even activate the GPS service on my phone for less than $89/year!!!!
I am very disappointed in the prices of the map updates...being so far out of line and the fact that my 920, coincidentally, has issues since new maps are available

If you really think one of these ideas is better then why not do it? The reason you dont is because both of those ideas actually suck. A <89 dollar GPS is generally a piece of crap, and using navigation on a cell phone is a delight (sarcasm intended).\

First off, do you NEED the map update? Was there something wrong with the original map? I've updated the map with Tomtom subscription plan about 4-5 times now. I've yet to see or notice ANY difference between any of those maps.

Secondly, the 89 dollar map is all of North America. I'm not saying its impossible but its very unlikely any one person NEEDS all of North America. Maybe if you lived on a border I guess. Regardless the USA only map for example is 10 dollars cheaper.

The problems with your navigation device are most likely not map related but software related. I would consider doing a full back up, formatting, and reinstalling everything fresh. Read up on how to do this before just winging it...
Yes... it truly is unfortunate that by somehow doing what is supposed to be the right thing (docking it to Home for updates), you end up with a completely unstable system.

I'm back to 8.1 and lost auto shutoff but it is sure better than it rebooting every day.

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