Map Insight has a new NA map

May 19, 2008
Delmarva, USA
TomTom Model(s)
ONE 3rd, GO 720
Sometime during the last couple of days, TeleAtlas updated their MapInsight page with new graphics for North America.

So, it's now possible to see which MapShare updates have been accepted. If not MapShare, then at least direct submissions to MapInsight should start appearing.

If past experience is a guide, this is the map they'll be using for their next NA release (meaning, it's the "base" map they'll send to TomTom, for further editing).
Sometime during the last couple of days, TeleAtlas updated their MapInsight page with new graphics for North America.

So, it's now possible to see which MapShare updates have been accepted. If not MapShare, then at least direct submissions to MapInsight should start appearing.

If past experience is a guide, this is the map they'll be using for their next NA release (meaning, it's the "base" map they'll send to TomTom, for further editing).
Guess that's good for somebody. ALL of my prior direct reports to Teleatlas were reduced back to "We have received your report". At one time, several of them had gradually been promoted even beyond the "We see the problem" and into the "We are working on it" category. Around here, the progress seems to have gone backwards.
I previously noticed that teleatlas introduced tons of new errors in map 2009.02. It appeared they used an automated overlay of "verified by tomtom" errors but put the fixes 250 ft west (sometimes erasing the wrong street). This new map no longer has this bug, but the reported fixes aren't in the correct place either. So they may have temporarily rolled back the process.

Edit: Upon further review, it looks like teleatlas fully reverted to teleatlas 2008.10/tomtom map 825 for mapinsight. We should keep an eye on google maps which is currently at 2009.02, to see if they eventually rollback from 2009.02 also.

Also, teleatlas didn't update their website/whitepapers to announce the release of a new map version, their only announcement was new speedprofiles.
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One more thing I noticed - the images are being loaded from This is the same site as the online route planner.

That's the same website as route planner beta. So the buyout integration is progressing. Route planner never went to the 2009.02 version, so the new sourcing of images may be the reason for the map rollback. So the only way to see map 2009.02 right now is to look at google.
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The mystery deepens:
1) google has a new map now - some of the errors that teleatlas introduced in 2009.02 were fixed. Others were not. So there is definitely a newer map out there.

2) to add to the strangeness - I tried routing in tomtom route planner beta. Roadblocks that are present in the new google map are avoided in routing, but the image on the route planner doesn't show the block.

So what I can deduce is:
- There is a new map out there (lets call it 2009.04). This is being shown by google, and by tomtom route planner in routing.
- The visual representation in mapinsight and tomtom route planner both are at the 2008.10 (tomtom 825) level
I just notice something weird
When I upgrade my TomTom map from 810 to 825, some of the map errors in my area are fixed.
but when Igo to the Map Insight, the errors are still there. Why?
And where is the correction from then if it is not from map insight? MapShare maybe?
MVL, you just picked up on some of the same confusing map errors resident in the 2009.2 TA/Google map that I saw a month ago. Some corrections that are on the mapinsite page and in the current TT map release, seem to have mysteriously reappeared in 2009.2. Things will be clearer once the new quarterly releases, but for the time-being there is a lot of confusion on what TT's release of the 2009.2-based map will actually look like.
I just notice something weird
When I upgrade my TomTom map from 810 to 825, some of the map errors in my area are fixed.
but when Igo to the Map Insight, the errors are still there. Why?
And where is the correction from then if it is not from map insight? MapShare maybe?

Prior to acquiring teleatlas, Tomtom had applied verified mapshare corrections to the teleatlas map before publishing a tomtom map to its customers.

This is still happening to a small extent, as I found one road that was properly removed in tomtom map 825, but has never been corrected in any teleatlas map. Another use posted a new road in the tomtom map that teleatlas never had.

In addition, when map 825 was released, tomtom rolled forward its inventory of unfixed mapshare updates, as it offered a 5 meg mapshare file to map 825 users on day 1.
MVL, can you point me to the physical road that TomTom added that doesn't appear in a TA map? I wasn't aware of any physical roads in a TomTom that wasn't available to Mio or Telenav. Interesting if that is being done.
MVL, can you point me to the physical road that TomTom added that doesn't appear in a TA map? I wasn't aware of any physical roads in a TomTom that wasn't available to Mio or Telenav. Interesting if that is being done.

I was referring to the discussion during March 4-15 in this thread:

If you go to mapinsight or google, hwy 331 northbound stops at hwy 20, then starts again going northbound about 3000 ft west.

On map 825, Hwy 331 continues straight north past Hwy 20, along a new (16 month old) bypass highway.

So 825 has the new bypass highway, mapinsight/google doesn't.
Then that is one specific road that we should watch for in the next TT map release to be sure it hasn't "reverted" to the way Google is currently showing it.

Should also pay attention to map insight to see if/when the correction appears.
Then that is one specific road that we should watch for in the next TT map release to be sure it hasn't "reverted" to the way Google is currently showing it.

Should also pay attention to map insight to see if/when the correction appears.

It didn't revert, still on map 830.

Mapinsight no longer shows a teleatlas map - it shows the maps from the url. Mapinsight is correct now, but I suspect that happened when the mapinsight maps were replaced.
Mapinsight no longer shows a teleatlas map - it shows the maps from the url. Mapinsight is correct now, but I suspect that happened when the mapinsight maps were replaced.
Their interface is more irritating now, as we additionally have to enter at least a zipcode or city name to begin browsing, instead of automatically being presented with a state-level view.

Unfortunately for me, their database doesn't contain my town's zip (or Name!). So, I'm forced to enter a "valid" address in my town, which it can find, and then begins browsing at max street-level zoom.

Now, I get to re-resubmit all of those corrections. Again. :mad:

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