Map Corrections

Sep 9, 2007
I just got my TomTom One and I'm exploring its features. I've downloaded the most recent application 7.120.

On the Main Menu there is a item labeled "Map Corrections".

When I click it, I get the following:

"This map is out of date and not supported by Map Share technology. Please use TomTom HOME or visit to upgrade your map."

What do I need to do to enable this? Are they saying that the free map doesn't allow this feature and that I'll have to pay extra money to enable it?
Well so far, the lowest version of maps that work with Map Share are the 6.75.

I would bet the your version of map is lower than that, most likely 6.65. Currently, the only way to get it is to buy the 6.75 maps :(
I personally feel that TomTom should offer all new customers a one-time, free upgrade to the latest maps (6.75) so that they can partake in Mapshare. Existing customers should also receive a substantial discount. This would not only help to promote the product via advertisement of a new, one-of-a-kind, user-supported map customization feature, but it would also help to strengthen the community of Mapshare users and thereby enhance the service. TomTom doesn't seem to have the happiest customers anyhow when it comes to their handling of map-related problems, so I think this would be a wonderful first step for them to change their tune.

Sure, selling maps equals profit, but so does vastly increasing your userbase... and I personally feel that that's what would happen if they could promote this Mapshare feature on all cylinders. It doesn't cost that much to upgrade newly-purchased units and offer a discount for older units. I think it definitely should be done.

Just my two cents.
Well so far, the lowest version of maps that work with Map Share are the 6.75.

I would bet the your version of map is lower than that, most likely 6.65. Currently, the only way to get it is to buy the 6.75 maps :(

Yes, I have USA_and_Canada v665.1293

That really stinks that they don't allow you to update to the most current map when you first buy the unit :(

Anyways, I appreciate the information.
Yes, I have USA_and_Canada v665.1293

That really stinks that they don't allow you to update to the most current map when you first buy the unit :(

Anyways, I appreciate the information.

So even if you bought your device like 2 days ago (which I did), you do not get an update to a newer map verison that may already be available? So if you are a real pain in the a$$, you could return and rebuy and try your luck? Is there any way to detect map verion my looking at product packaging? e.g. S/N?
Lets wait and see if on Oct 1, 2007 they announce anything regarding this maps out of date. My bones feel something is coming soon.
I heard back from customer support regarding my inquiry:

You do have the latest maps that were available for your unit when the unit still had version 6 of the application installed. When you updated the application, you updated to Navcore 7 Lite. The version 6.75 map set is the one that Navcore 7 lite uses for the MapShare functions. The content of both maps are the same. Both maps have all of the same road coverage and POI. The only difference is MapShare. To use the MapShare feature on your unit, you must purchase the version 6.75 maps.

So I bought a unit that when manufactured had an older version of the application. The map was current at that time. When I loaded HOME I was automatically updated to a newer version of the software, but the map wasn't updated. Alrighty then...
That is not completely true. I upgraded from the 665 to the 675 maps and I have a few different streets in my neighborhood from the update.

So you don't only get the mapshare feature, it is an updated map.
I would hold out on buying it for 2 reasons.

1) Mapshare "works," but no one using a ONE has downloaded a single map correction yet, so you aren't missing anything as of now. You can share your changes, but the TOMTOM servers aren't sending any corrections out just yet.

2) There is supposed to be an official announcement in OCT. So maybe you will get good news then.

If I was just now purchasing a unit I wouldn't have upgraded....but I have had mine for awhile now so the purchase was justified then.

In conclusion, wait a month or so. There is no harm in waiting, especially since no one is actually reaping the full benefits of map share. If nothing comes in October and we are actually getting corrections then you may just have to bite the bullet and buy the new maps. Start putting your change in a little TOMTOM jar for a rainy map update day...and if we get good news spend it all on beer.
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Well thanks for the information. Here's the latest from TomTom. It sounds like they disagree with you regarding the content freshness of the newest map:

"Dear Sir,

I am sorry, but the actual content of the map is the same. The feature of being editable by the user is what the actual difference is. There is no way to edit the map you have because it is not editable. To use the feature that you have received by happenstance of being able to upgrade the application, you must purchase the editable map.


and The TomTom Customer Support Team"

I can feel the love ;)
I am sorry, but the actual content of the map is the same. The feature of being editable by the user is what the actual difference is.

So does that mean they should be providing a free map upgrade since the content is no different :) I think the CSR is full of it.
This sort of makes sense, though I don't like it. Oh well:

"The reason for the difference that this other user has seen, is because of mapshare. When he connects his unit to Home, and updates it, any verified corrections to the map will be downloaded to his unit."
I'm pretty sure I'm not making up the changes....Your TomTom contact has some bad information.

I always go the back route out of my house. with the 665 version of the map I was driving off the chart, with the 675.1409 version I am actually on the road, not to mention the fact that it includes the 665 non-existent road into some routes.

I purchased the TomTom One v4, so if I remember correctly that came with the 665 version of the maps (Map USA/CAN 665.1293). So I have only used the 665 and 675 versions.
In any case, thanks for the information. I guess I'll wait until the magical month of October to see what occurs ;)
The Map Share feature is a real pain in the %^$^, but I think that we should all sit back slightly and think about why we purchased our TTs.

I did not want to buy my TT until I took my next trip south from Canada to the Southern States. But I was going to the UK this last Aug (2007) I looked at buying a cheap UK model and giving it to a family member and then buying a new unit next year or the year after with its new maps.

But a friend of mine pointed out a small but quite important fact, unless it is a new sub division, most maps to not change in a huge fashion. Some of us use them daily in our business, others like me use them twice a year when we want to go from one major town to another.

With that in mind I bought my TT US & Canada in July and purchased the UK maps for $70.00 Can (less than half of what Garmin charges) and it worked flawlessly for me.

Since then I have purchased a generic USB to AC adapter as a wall charger ($10.00).

To be honest though I am hoping that they do offer free or very cheap map upgrades as it would make me VERY happy.
Check this out.

If you need support, do not try and use email. In my experience, email support is absolutely worthless but every time I've called I've had people who were able to help me and the one time they couldn't I got a call from them when they did have an answer for me. 866-486-6866

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