map correction problem

Dec 27, 2008
I am running a tomtom 920, ver 8.302, with the latest Australian map. I have not updated the map version for a while and have made a number of map corrections. All has been running fine. I have updated new program versions, with no loss of map corrections.

All of a sudden, I have lost my map corrections. No map update (as will wipe out your map corrections). I am at a lost of why they have disappeared. I do have a backed up version of the map folder. However, if I just delete the corrupted map folder off the tomtom and paste in the backed up map folder, the tomtom won't boot.

Is there a section of my map folder that would hold the backed up map corrections. I am thinking, as both maps are the same version, the map corrections may be re savealbe??


The Mapuserpatch.dat and mapsettings.cfg file contain your mapshare updates.

I'm not 100% sure what is stored in each, I think updates you share with other users resides in mapsuerpatch.dat, and mapsettings.cfg stores updates you don't share.

Also, if you made POI updates, there are in all the ov2 files and the deletedpoi.local file.

Usually, the continuous reboot is caused by a mismatched mapsettings.cfg file. If you copy the other files from backup and use your latest mapsettings.cfg you may be ok. Or you could delete mapsettings.cfg and tomtom will regenerate a new one. Just beware that mapsettings.cfg also contains your favorites which would be lost if deleted.
The OP also posted the query in another forum (British) where he got an answer which I think is correct. Namely, there are 2 files: userpatch.dat in the root of the unit and mapuserpatch.dat which resides in the specific map folder. Both are needed to reference mapshare changes made by the user and can be copied from a backup of the same map to the specific map folder.
... there are 2 files: userpatch.dat in the root of the unit and mapuserpatch.dat which resides in the specific map folder. Both are needed to reference mapshare changes made by the user and can be copied from a backup of the same map to the specific map folder.

I am thinking, one would store the corrections that you have made (regardless of whether they are shared or not) and the other would store the corrections downloaded from map share...

Does anyone know for sure what these files contain?

(for instance, if I, at some point, want to get rid of all downloaded corrections, but keep my personal corrections)

// Joe

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