Magnification after update

Aug 10, 2009
I updated by IQ routes XL to the latest version. As usual, certain features have disappeared and sever new (unwanted) ones have appeared.

What I have lost is the close up magnification of junctions as you approach. I never realised just how useful this were until it went. Any idea of how to reinstate.?

The lower right hand screen is now an unreadable mess. I have the finish chequered flag on all the time (unwanted), ETA (unwanted), time left (wanted), distance left (wanted). I can't find any way of modifying this. Any ideas?


I've just installed the update to 9.401, and I was planning to post virtually the same query myself, so I thought I'd have a look to see whether it had been asked and answered - one out of two, anyway.

I've no real problem with the three-part display at the bottom, except that I'm not sure I'll be able to read them on the road.

The thing which annoys me is the flag icon and the ETA : I can see no use for them, and to me the ETA invites people to go too fast if they think they're going to be late. Before the update it used to be an on/off option, bit I now can't find it anywhere.

There also seem to be additional symbols in the 'traffic problems' screens - is there anywhere to lookup what they mean?

Reading some of the problems people have had after the update, it seems as though I've actually been pretty lucky.
The thinking behind the small flag icon in the right-hand pane is to remind you (now things have moved around) that the right side of the status bar is for info about the destination Other models also have a small car/arrow symbol icon in the left pane is to show it's info about your current position.

Have to admit, since I've always opted to have it showing the remaining time, remaining distance AND the ETA I don't notice any major difference at all, and it's certainly not "an unreadable mess" - it's perfectly readable.

As for the auto-zoom as you approach junctions, there's no user option for it on this model/software combination (was there ever - I can't remember?), but it's still auto-zooming on my XL LIVE IQ Routes Edition.

If you use the zoom buttons on the main driving screen, does it zoom back to normal after a few seconds?
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Thanks for the reply, AndyP.

It looks as though the ETA is now fixed, without any option to remove it. Though strangely, while looking to see whether anyone had brought up this problem, I did see one post from a member whose ETA had disappeared with the update, and how could he get it back?

I haven't tried it out on the road yet (having a London freedom Pass means not having to use your car), so I'll see how it goes then. I want to be able to take everything in with just a glance at the satnav, which is why I like to control the amount of info displayed. And preferably big enough for me to read.

Now things get stranger. The auto-zoom works when I'm leaving a motorway, but not on other roads.

I use 2D, but I don't think that should make a difference.

I agree with oldie67, the less info on the screen the easier it is to take in at a glance.

I agree with oldie67, the less info on the screen the easier it is to take in at a glance.

You're labouring under the mis-apprehension that the customer knows best!
TomTom have decided what we want.....:(
TomTom might think they are god, but that doesn't solve my problem or reduce their culpability when someone has an accident because of information overload

I am really fed up with this update. I have reset my unit to factory settings but STILL I don't get my auto-zoom feature back. Why would they remove that? It was really useful at roundabouts and as you approach junctions where there are numerous options.

And the damn thing stuck me into heavy traffic round Oxford yesterday when I just KNEW it was a stupid way to go. I shouldn't have trusted it. It probably cost me half an hour.

It went on to TRY to take me a very odd way home estimating an hour for a journey that I knew would take 40 minutes by another route THEN it tried to take me a very long way round a village on the way home. I went my own way both times.

This latest update has turned my TT into landfill. I hate it. Is there any way to recover the old software version?

The other option is to buy a new unit and it won't be a TT.

What the hell were they thinking of?

If you have an "XL IQ Routes" I'm surprised if you don't have auto-zoom on the 3D view as I still do (see my post #3 above).

Maybe it's been removed for 2D view only?


Yes, you can certainly return to an earlier software version. The easiest way is simply to restore the backup you made before updating... You did make one I hope!

Otherwise it's possible to manually install the older software, but we'd need to know which version it was you had previously, in order to suggest a download link.

Be aware that Home will keep trying to force you to re-install the latest version, unless you "fool" it into thinking you have it already. A forum search will find the instructions for that.
Thanks Andy,

I do still have auto zoom in 3D but this is a mode I never use. It has gone from 2D mode. (Dumping this feature makes no sense at all - I'd love to know why they did it).

Back-up. 'You did make one I hope!'

Like most average users, I suspect, I failed to mistrust Tom Tom and did not make a back up. After all, what could possibly go wrong?

I can't be sure which version my old one was, but suspect that it was 8.something, since I have never upgraded before and although I have only occasionally logged into TomTom Home, I don't recall ever being prompted to upgrade before. It currently has 9.401.862279.2.

I have an XL routes with UK and European maps (43 countries?). The bottom of the unit is marled 'Canada 310' although it was clearly made in China. Ironically, there is a crossed out wheely bin icon. Did they know what was going to happen all along?

It sounds like it's an "XL IQ Routes Edition" which is very similar to mine, but is it the LIVE version like mine?

If it is, I can check back to see what the previous software versions were and send you a link to one, but if not, I think my software versions would probably be different from yours.
(If you put the first two characters of your serial number (the one under the barcode) into the TomTom model-finder tool HERE, that will tell you for sure what the exact model name is.


As for the "Canada 310" label, that's a red herring....

It just refers to a particular Canadian telecoms interference regulation that TomToms have to adhere to (more info than you could EVER want about it can be found here. :lalala:)

So having "Canada 310" on the case is a bit like having the European "CE" mark.
Thanks to moderator. mvl for this workround of the bug....

The 2d autozoom gets reset to "off / don't zoom" upon a settings reset with app 9.430.

It retains it's "auto-zoom on" setting when upgrading from app v9.058/v9.061 to v9.430, but loses it again after a settings reset.

So to turn autozoom back on for 2D view, you can revert back to v9.0xx. Then if you wish, do a factory reset and re-upgrade to 9.43x.

v9.061 software for the XL can be downloaded from
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Thanks for this.

I'm not able to deal with it right now but will have a go within the week and feed back here.

Further update... others seem to think it may disappear again randomly even without a reset. :(
Well I have been chasing TomTom ever since I first posted this over 8 weeks ago. What have I learned? Well only that TomTom are useless.

The best suggestion I had was to photograph the device whilst I was driving!!!!

I have had it confirmed that "I am sorry to inform that automatic zoom in 2D view mode is indeed not available. We are working on this issue but we do not have a immediate workaround available."

And that "that the ETA or the symbol cannot be removed from the status bar."

I have let them know just how badly let down I feel.

I get the impression that they deliberately make it difficult for existing users in order to encourage us poor mugs to buy new product.
Received today from TomTom

"We have confirmed that the auto-zoom and zoom features have indeed changed in the new software version. The zoom is not as strong as it had been in previous versions. Just as you have reported, the degree to which the image size increases when zooming in is less than in previous software versions. Also the automatic zoom at junctions no longer works. This appears to be a software design issue. This is not an issue with your specific device, rather it is a new feature of the software that occurs on all units running the 9.430 software. We have alerted our design team that the changes to the zoom features are not satisfactory to you, so that the issue can be addressed in a future software update if feasible. We are not able to give an exact release date for the next software update. We
also cannot guarantee that the zoom features will change when a new version is released. However, we have informed our design team that you prefer the older zoom features and we have asked them to reinstate them if possible when a new software version is released.

The same applies to the new Status Bar features that you have been discussing with my colleagues online. The new features were selected by our design team based on extensive research and customer feedback. We are sorry that you are unhappy with the new changes. I have made this clear to our design team."

In other words a TomTom cockup that probably can't be corrected

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