Love my TT ONE 3rd edition

Dec 24, 2007
Atlanta, GA
TomTom Model(s)
Tom Tom one 3rd edition
As the trend is to only hear problems regarding a product on a Forum such as this, understandably so, I thought I'd post how impressed I am with my TT.

As an entry level device, I find it excellent for my purposes. I've found the maps and the navigation to be accurate, and to think that only a few years ago, a device with these capabilities would have cost around $1000, to get one today for $130 is outstanding in my view.

TT worked straight out of the box, and has been flawless since I got it on December 25th. :)
Welcome and good luck with your TomTom.

Yes, we often don't hear from the majority who don't have problems. This is the nature of forums, I guess. Try looking at forums for cars, tires, etc. and you're almost scared off buying anything! Nothing but problems.
As the trend is to only hear problems regarding a product on a Forum such as this, understandably so, I thought I'd post how impressed I am with my TT.

As an entry level device, I find it excellent for my purposes. I've found the maps and the navigation to be accurate, and to think that only a few years ago, a device with these capabilities would have cost around $1000, to get one today for $130 is outstanding in my view.

TT worked straight out of the box, and has been flawless since I got it on December 25th. :)

I also received one for Christmas and have had no problems with it.
Yes, but with one caveat

I would agree with you completely except for one thing that pisses me off. There is apparently no way to get the TT1 3rd Ed. to auto power off when you turn off your car's ignition. All other flavors of the One can do this.

See the thread I started here:

I guess my only hope is that some clever programmer will create a 3rd Party App that will give us TT1 3rd Edition owners this function. I just can't believe that TomTom excluded this function on **only** the 3rd Edition but on no other One.
I would agree with you completely except for one thing that pisses me off. There is apparently no way to get the TT1 3rd Ed. to auto power off when you turn off your car's ignition. All other flavors of the One can do this.

See the thread I started here:

I guess my only hope is that some clever programmer will create a 3rd Party App that will give us TT1 3rd Edition owners this function. I just can't believe that TomTom excluded this function on **only** the 3rd Edition but on no other One.

This is not an issue for me. The power outlet the TomTom uses on my Jeep Grand Cherokee continues to supply power after the ignition is switched off, and I prefer using that outlet rather than the lighter. Besides, as soon as I arrive at my destination, I hit the power button on the TT and remove it from the vehicle.
I remove the TomTom from my vehicle about half the time. When I pull into my garage at home, it stays in the car. I also trust the people I work with, so it stays in my car during the work day too.

If I'm visiting a friend's house, it probably would stay in the car.

If I'm at a shopping mall or parking garage, I take it out of the car.

So you see, there are plenty of times when it stays in the car, and those are the times I wish it would turn itself off.
I also have been nothing but pleased with my One 3rd Edition. I realize it is entry level, but at $105 it fit my needs and my budget and makes my driving around my new surroundings a bit less worrysome.
i dont want it to power off when i turn my truck off,i use it without the cord most of time anyway but what i would like is for it to power off after a few minutes of inactivity,like say you arrive and shut the car off and its in the same position for a few minutes then shutoff,that would be cool,maybe someone can program that into it:)
As the trend is to only hear problems regarding a product on a Forum such as this, understandably so, I thought I'd post how impressed I am with my TT.

As an entry level device, I find it excellent for my purposes. I've found the maps and the navigation to be accurate, and to think that only a few years ago, a device with these capabilities would have cost around $1000, to get one today for $130 is outstanding in my view.

TT worked straight out of the box, and has been flawless since I got it on December 25th. :)

That's great to hear! My co-worker actually received a 3rd Edition over the holiday's as well and it worked perfectly. No problems what so ever. He loves the device as well.

duallydave, I like your "auto shutoff" idea, but I think it would be tough to do. I would want it to shut off automatically only: 1) after I "reach my destination, and 2) if my TomTom doesn't sense any change in location (i.e your parked and not moving). I'm not sure how much I would benefit it though since I ALWAYS take my device out of the car:D
I don't think auto-power off would work very well unless it's based on detecting a loss of DC power at the USB port.

I don't think that seeing a loss of motion would be an effective trigger for powering off the GPS. What if you're in a traffic jam? What if you're at a gas station for a fill-up? These are situations in which you're not moving but probably don't want the GPS to power off. Also, if you watch the map display when you're not moving, it sometimes will drift as the receiver picks up different satellites. This drift would probably be perceived as motion, and would keep the unit from powering off when expected.

I want my One 3rd Edition to behave exactly like my old Garmin III+ did. When I turned the car off, the Garmin would give me a 30 sec countdown before powering off automatically. If I turned off my car because I was at a gas station for a fill-up, and didn't want the GPS to power off, I'd push a button to cancel the countdown timer.

I would absolutely **love** to see a firmware update or a 3rd party application that would give me this behavior on the One 3rd Edition!
Mine too works great except the traffic thingy is down and out in Atlanta for now. Where are you guys getting the great deals? I need to buy two more for a give away at a convention I am going toin Vegas.

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