Latest map version is for my TomTom XL

Jan 22, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Can someone please tell me the latest version map for the ONE XL?

I currently have Western Europe Ver 710.1561 and App ver 8.010 (9369/080529).

I prefer not to subscribe for a year or whatever so is there anyway I can just purchase the latest map to download?

Many thanks.

David :)
All maps are presently at 880, with 885 due out in February. Your W.E. map is quite old. You can purchase single maps from TomTom using Home. However, the W.E. map has grown quite a lot since you purchased your ONE XL. You may now find that the new W.E. map is loaded to your device in segments with Home based upon which portion of W.E. you are in need of at a particular time.
Do be aware that TomTom tend to "arrange" things to make it easy to buy the subscription service and rather harder to find how to buy a single map.
But it *is* possible!
Hi Andy,

that's good to know.

I have decided to wait until next month.

That should keep me going in the right direction for another few years:lol:

Regards from London

I have just got a TTXXL Classic series App 9.170.734651.2 Map WE v875.3669
does any one know if their is a later map update or just the Feb update to come.

It looks as if I have done "all the right things" and it is happily up and running OK Joe
Latest is 880 and 885 is due in a couple of weeks.

I noticed when I plugged my TT for the first time I don't remember being offered the 880 map as mine has the 875 version though I did get road updates and the program that speeds up satellite acquisition. Have I missed something Joe
Did you go to Tools/ Use Latest Map Guarantee in the menus at the top of Home2?
You were entitled to the latest map guarantee if the unit was less than 30 days old. So, if you got it after OCTOBER 17th, 2011, you should have gotten the 880 map offered using Home's Latest Map guarantee.
Did you go to Tools/ Use Latest Map Guarantee in the menus at the top of Home2?

Hi Andy I got the TT Classic today 27th I checked the tools and their is a map update but I see from a previous post a new map is due out in Feb. The 30 day rule would take me up to the 24th I am not risking the last day 25th. Would I get this update or do I have to accept the 880 map update as its the next in sequence. Joe

PS Without the help of this site and what I have learned from having the One I probably would have screwed up the new TT on the first day. The hand book that comes with it does not give very much away. Joe
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It's a gamble. I presume 880 should be out any time from mid February on but if you have no notification here or elsewhere that 885 maps are released by, say, the 23th or 25th of February, I'd grab the 880 map, just to play safe.

That said, my gut reaction is that 885 will be out prior to the 24th, but keep checking to make sure.
It's a gamble. I presume 880 should be out any time from mid February on but if you have no notification here or elsewhere that 885 maps are released by, say, the 23th or 25th of February, I'd grab the 880 map, just to play safe.

That said, my gut reaction is that 885 will be out prior to the 24th, but keep checking to make sure.

I have just connected to home and it has offered me the 880 map update so I will be able to see when it updates to 885 map update if it arrives before my 30 days is up Joe

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