That is really unfortunate, because while the webpage describing the GO 730 does state that the LMG does not apply to the refurb units, the MAP description tab, on the same webpage that seems to be describing the unit being advertised (refurb GO 730) says that the unit is shipped with the latest map available. I don't expect the latest map within 30 days, I can understand that. But when the unit states the map is more than 4 quarters old and I can purchase a years worth of updates, I don't consider the unit shipped with the latest map available. I, the consumer didn't understand which statement took precedence, or that the latest map is over a year old but they will be happy to sell you 4 quarters worth. Other than that, I think TOMTOM does an outstanding job of integrating, GPS, maps, and navigation. Too bad they nitpick and provide conflicting info, and defer to the policy of "the Company is always right"! They could probably do a little better in customer service or maybe even clear statements and advertising.