Just orderd a TOMTOM ONE

Oct 8, 2007
Oaks, PA
TomTom Model(s)
ONE XL350TM Via 1535tm

I just ordered a TOMTOM ONE from circuit city today. I can not wait for it to come. I did a lot of research before making my decision. Most of that research came from this site. The information I gathered was very helpful, especially the fixes and updating sections.

Thanks for the welcome.
I just check the order page from circuit city. It claims my ONE was shipped yesterday and will arrive on the 23rd. I thought what?!?!? 15 days in transit. It must be coming from overseas by a slow boat. I used the tracking number from their site and tracked through FedEx. They do not have a record of that number yet. I am curious to see when it really comes.
sorry for the double post. Can a mod delete one? I can not find a way to delete it. Firefox did not refresh after I posted the quick reply. I then used IE and found the double post.
Wow, that is strange on the 2 weeks arrival of your unit.
I hope it arrives sooner.

I deleted your double post. Firefox does behave that way on this forum. If you click on 'Go Advanced' then submit your reply, it will not lag and return to the forum.

Thank for the delete and the firefox lesson. I'll try it out now.

Hopefully my ONE will be here sooner.

Woo Hoo. I just tracked my ONE on FedEx's website. It left KENNESAW, GA yesterday and should be at my house tomorrow. I do not know why CC thinks it will be there on the 23rd.

I have already downloaded voices from here in anticipation of it's arrival. Thanks to the people who made those.

it is here.

After having my new One for three hours and taking and taking it for a short ride this thing is great. thanks for creating a forum where I could do the research and down load some cool add ons.
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