Issues with 2050 unit - Australia

Jul 19, 2011
G'day All,
I have just purchase a GO LIVE 2050 the first one in Oz and took it for a drive and the only things that appeared on the screen were roads and railway lines.
50% of the roads weren't marked, of the 50% that were marked 40% of them didn't have names on the Tomtom.
The speed limits on National Hwys were wrong for more than 20km stretches.
I activated Show Rest Spots on the trip only one appeared on the Tomtom and there would have been at least 50 and they are old and huge and well established areas.
The graphics on the set are VERY POOR for a modern screen it looked like a 2 year old had a shot at join the dots on the roads and railway lines.
The railway line was on the wrong side of the road.
No bridges, waterways, dams or petrol stations were shown on the 1,000km route. Yes I did activate the petrol stn to be shown.
Basically this unit is a piece of SH!TE
My previous unit was a Mytec with maps that were 5 years old when I bought the unit 56 years ago. This unit even now is 100% better than Tomtoms latest Australian release. YOU TOMTOM BOFFINS LISTENING. so much for Tomtoms latest technology.
Please explain why they spent money on developing the technology to recognise whether you are using a left hand or right hand finger? Wouldn't it be better to put in a power on with power on along with the off with power off.
I could keep going but you would all go to sleep. Basically the set will be going back tomorrow and asking for a refund or a working unit.
One upside. the unit did get me there and back via a short route but alarms going off all the time telling me I was over the speed limit when I was not.

Cheers and thanks for reading.
Still don't feel any better for venting, would be better if I could tell Tomtom boffins direct.
Sorry if I have hijacked this thread but I can't find how to start a thread on this site.

Any help in this area would be appreciated.

I've created a new thread for you for your concerns.

When you wish to create a new thread, just navigate to the forum you feel is appropriate and you should see a 'new thread' button at the top left of the screen. Use that.
Thanks very much, I'll give that a try next time.

Well had enough of the unit today and took it back to the shop. Explained to the young fella what it was doing and in great detail what it wasn't doing. Young fella and I were both stumped.
Young fella light comes on, how about I swap it. Now that was a good idea. Took the new one plugged it in and headed off. BLOODY BRILLIANT top notch piece of kit I'm now happy as a pig in............. well you know.
Rang the young fella back and told him the good news. After some discussion we agreed that this was a Fri Mon job and not just a Fri or Mon. :lol:
I'm slightly confused... what did you swap it for?
A different brand, or just a replacement of the same model?
The translation from Australian is that he swapped the 2050 for a new 2050. I have just bought one and am frustrated that I cannot find a way to add POI's just like I could with my old 720. I want to be able to find MacDonalds and specific fuel stations by company name.
Connect to the computer, the MyTomTom desktop icon should have an additional menu item, 'Add Community Content'. Click that link.
Thanks fellers. I had already done what you recommended and I get a new web page called:- Tomtom Add Community content to your device. The page goes on to state_ Add Community POI on Device, plus add a host of other things such as voices and colour schemes. If I click on Add POI it just allows me to browse for POI's on my PC. This is useless to me as I do not have them on my PC to download. Perhaps I have to download them to my PC then upload to the device. The old 720 was straight forward and I have wasted so much time that I almost give up.
2050 Locks up on Startup menu

My 2050 has twice now in the past 3 weeks started up and then frozen on the menu. The first time it happened I found you could reset it through the computer.

The second time was this morning on the way to a business meeting, so will try to reset tonight.

This model was a new replacement for another model that would not even turn on. But this has let me down on two occasion when needed. :(

However, my question is this, is this locking up problem - where it starts up but locks onto a specific screen, quite common?

Is there a software update fix for it?

What should I do if it persists?

I never had one issue with my old Go 720.... :)


Did you try a drum reset by holding the power button about 20 seconds till you hear the drum sounds?
Did you try a drum reset by holding the power button about 20 seconds till you hear the drum sounds?

Actually, I didn't need to this time, as soon as I connected to the computer the 2050 powered on and booted up fine.

Just not sure why it locked up this morning though....and wouldn't go past the Home/favourites, etc page....
GoLive 2050 frozen screen

I have had a similar problem. Screen freezing on the home page - leaves me without GPS - not good. The old TomTom One used to have a reset button.
Tried turning the GoLive 2050 on and off, but no success. Came good when I plugged into my PC, but that doesn't help me on the road.
I have had a similar problem. Screen freezing on the home page - leaves me without GPS - not good. The old TomTom One used to have a reset button.
Tried turning the GoLive 2050 on and off, but no success. Came good when I plugged into my PC, but that doesn't help me on the road.
The newer units like your 2050 have the equivalent of a reset button - hidden in plain sight. Hold down the power button until you get the TomTom logo and a "drum-beat" sound, and then immediately release the power button. This requires you to hold down the power button for approximately 15-20 seconds, but judge by the visual and audio cues, not by the exact time.

No guarantees that this will solve your specific issue, but it frequently does the trick for me when I am experiencing abnormal behavior.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
screen freeze

ok - maybe I didn't hold down the power button long enough - I will report back here how I go if it happens again - thanks for the replies - much appreciated :)

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