Is it my XXL550T or is it me?

Dec 6, 2010
TomTom Model(s)
XXL 550T
Studied my butt off before buying my first GPS on Black Friday, then stared at the box for a week before using it this past weekend. Appreciate all the advice I've read here (I'll be backing the machine up shortly), and I'll continue reading, but there was one bit about performance that my wife and I had trouble with.

When we are traveling along, and make a turn, it tells us that the next turn is in, for instance "two and a half miles" (or whatever it it that it says), which is great.

Problem is that when we get 2+ miles down the road, it's not giving me another spoken alert until too late! If I watch the screen, it's easy to see where I should be turning, but with TTS, I am not getting enough warning to know that the turn is in 300 feet (or so), by the time iit tells me about the right turn, it's really too late for me to slow down and turn. And I'm going the speed limit, on a street where the machine knows the speed limit.

Is there any way to "speed up" the alerts so it tells me 1/10 of a mile sooner of all upcoming turns?

If not, I may have to pack this back up and find something else. I've never noticed alerts being so late on any of my friends' units.

The announcements normally are something like first warning in 3 km or about 1.8 miles and a TTS voice will announce the road name you wish to turn on.

Then, about 1/2 mile out, you probably hear just 'turn right'. No street name.

Finally about 300 feet, another 'turn right ... and sometimes with the street name'.

But you are right that the spoken voice should be accompanied by a glance at the screen. You'll see an arrow pointing in the direction you need to take, the name of the next road at the top of the screen and, if your model has ALG, you'll see that information on the status bar as you approach the exit....if it is a highway.

ALG is not usually available for normal streets.
Re time to turn

At certain lower speeds on non-highway streets it seems to me too that the last spoken direction sometimes comes when I am nearly in the intersection.


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