Wife bought me a XL for Christmas 2007. Being a computer user, I wanted to put a 1GB SanDisk SD card ... but no luck het. I formatted in Fat 32, bu the XL just tells me to remove it. TT Tech support says it should recog nise the SD as another Drive, and be accessable.
Reason ... want to put my website on it, and other things. TT says this is possible.
Back to the original drive in the XL, I added POI's in the UAS map folder. Works fine, however, TT says I can create a folder and put 'em there.
Any help will be appreciated.
Best Regards,
Reason ... want to put my website on it, and other things. TT says this is possible.
Back to the original drive in the XL, I added POI's in the UAS map folder. Works fine, however, TT says I can create a folder and put 'em there.
Any help will be appreciated.
Best Regards,
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