
Jan 7, 2008
Yuma and Seattle
TomTom Model(s)
Wife bought me a XL for Christmas 2007. Being a computer user, I wanted to put a 1GB SanDisk SD card ... but no luck het. I formatted in Fat 32, bu the XL just tells me to remove it. TT Tech support says it should recog nise the SD as another Drive, and be accessable.

Reason ... want to put my website on it, and other things. TT says this is possible.

Back to the original drive in the XL, I added POI's in the UAS map folder. Works fine, however, TT says I can create a folder and put 'em there.

Any help will be appreciated.

Best Regards,

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Welcome to the forum. I am not sure about putting your website on your TT but this unit is not my specialty. I am sure someone will give you an educated response shortly. In the meantime, we are glad to have you on board.
If I'm understanding your question correctly.....

The tomtom with internal memory is just another storage device and you should be able to see it and access it with any file manager. Ditto for the installed sd card when hooked to your computer.

therefore you could create any folder and put any files into that folder if of course you have the space. they may or may not be designed to work with a tomtom. you could be using the unit just as a storage device.

for the XL itself to see the sd card, you have to have the tomtom system files on the card. otherwise the unit won't boot and you see the red x. I haven't tried to access a blank sd card from a file manager, so I'm not quite sure what is correct here, but it might also be a requirement to have the system files installed to make the card active when hooked to your computer....
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Welcome, and yes from what i understand you have to have the TT files on the SD card before you insert it in to the tomtom or it will not read it, and another thing you might already know is the TT will only reads one storage or the other.

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