Inherited Tom Toms

Jul 11, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
GO Premium X
Hello, I'm executor of my late brother in law's estate and responsible for the disposable of his assets I have discovered 5, yes 5, Tom Toms in his home. The latest being a Go Premium X in a box. My first question is if Tom Tom is a subscription service? If it is then I'll not be able to check if they work. Then, are they disposable - ie are some of them out of date and of no use or value? If I want to dispose of them should I just post pictures on eBay with a low start price and see what happens? Please forgive my ignorance but it's like landing in a foreign land and not understanding the language!


In addition to the boxed unit the serial numbers start:

4YB70 (two)
In addition to the boxed unit the serial numbers start:

4YB70 (two)

Sorry to hear how you came by these. When I finally get hit by a bus, they'll find about a dozen TomTom units here! (long story)

Please check those serial numbers carefully again. TomTom has never sold a device starting with 4Y or 4F. Those do sound like the first bits of a device part number, though.

  • A 4FL6.001.00 would be a GO 6000 or 6100, and the serial number would start with "QQ". That's an older device.
  • I'm stumped by the 4YB70 devices. You sure those aren't 1YB7.002.something? If so, those are going to have serial numbers that start with a "Y" or "Z", and will be fairly recent vintage devices.
  • I'm drawing a total blank on the 4YD70.

Let us know what you find. Without that, we can't establish the vintage and if there are any limitations that you might wish to know about.

Current TomTom subscriptions are not for basic service, only for traffic data, speed cameras, etc. Older units, if old enough, used subscriptions for maps.

All of them should be 'testable', though all may well require a good charge on a mains charger and about 10~12 minutes in open sky to get a satellite fix.
Thank you very much for your help which seems to fit as I take a magnifying glass to the units.

I guess I was quoting model numbers. The two 4FL6 are indeed GO 6000 with serial numbers that start with QQ. When powered up these have "trouble accessing Tom Tom services". I will assume these are to be scrapped.

The GO Premium is still in it's box; I will leave it there and assume it's current. Sadly Rob never had the chance to use it.

The other two are slightly larger than the QQ ones and look identical. Serial numbers B44233V00589 and ZW4041V00378. I think they are more recent because the USB connector is oval and not flat on one side like the QQs. These two pick up a satellite signal and function ok. Maybe the serial numbers are different because I'm in the UK?

I will be grateful for any comment.

Thank you very much for your help which seems to fit as I take a magnifying glass to the units.

I guess I was quoting model numbers. The two 4FL6 are indeed GO 6000 with serial numbers that start with QQ. When powered up these have "trouble accessing Tom Tom services". I will assume these are to be scrapped.

The GO Premium is still in it's box; I will leave it there and assume it's current. Sadly Rob never had the chance to use it.

The other two are slightly larger than the QQ ones and look identical. Serial numbers B44233V00589 and ZW4041V00378. I think they are more recent because the USB connector is oval and not flat on one side like the QQs. These two pick up a satellite signal and function ok. Maybe the serial numbers are different because I'm in the UK?

I will be grateful for any comment.

Your two QQ ones are a bit dated. What the devices are telling you is that they aren't making a successful cellular connection back to TomTom for things like traffic data. However, I believe you'd find that they also have a Bluetooth interface that could be used to get traffic data were you pair up a phone as a Bluetooth tethering device to transfer the data from TomTom to the GO 6000.

The B44 is indeed a quite recent GO model ... a nice 7" unit. It could be any one of several 'sub-models' depending upon which firmware and maps were loaded. There's the Expert Plus (truck), Exclusive (Car and Camper) Superior (Car) versions. You can tell which it is by firing it up.

The ZW is one step back in time from the B44, and is also a nice 7" device. Again, which sub-model can't be known directly from the serial number, and again, it's a function of firmware and maps. These will be either the Expert (Truck), Camper Max (Car and Camper), Discover (Car) or Exclusive (Truck and Car and Camper).

The ZT in the box (Premium X) is, with regard to age, actually in between the old QQ devices and the newer ZW and B44 devices, but hang onto that one for posterity. I believe it's the last device TomTom has or will ever make that has a cellular service connection. I'm surprised your brother didn't fire that one up much sooner. A new owner may have to contact TomTom to get service initiated on that one since it sounds like it's never been out of the box and it's been a while. After a couple of years, TomTom drops the account for SIM support, and one would necessarily have to ask to have it reinstated.
Thank you again for your valuable assistance and I feel much more aware of what I'm dealing with. I think you are correct about the GO Premium X, the serial number is ZT211 910 2000 and I have a shipping note dated Jan 2019 for it. I also have found an invoice for a "1YB7.002.00 GO Discover EU 7" dated May 2021 and a shipping note dated Nov 2023 for a "GO Superior 7 1YD7.002.00"; would these be the ZW and then the B44? This would fit with the mount in his car being for one of these and not the ZT (which maybe he had used and for some reason retained the box).

Have I "arrived at my destination"?

Many thanks again,

All correct, yes.

Yes, the ZT will be a Premium X.

The 1YB7.002.00 is a GO Discover, serial ZW.

The 1YD7.002.00 is a GO Superior, your B4 serial.
Brilliant! You've been an absolute star and if ever in Bristol UK give me a call and I'll buy you a beer or two. Thanks.
Brilliant! You've been an absolute star and if ever in Bristol UK give me a call and I'll buy you a beer or two. Thanks.
Don't get to the UK nearly as often as I once did, but if you happen to be in the neighborhood of The Coronation, raise a pint (if you've been there, you'll know what that implies!) of their killer cider for me!
The Coronation Tap in Clifton? I know it well and once lived 200m away. My only trip to Colorado was back in the 60s when as a young RAF cadet I visited the USAAF Academy at C Springs plus a weekend in Denver. Good luck in all you get up to. Derek
The Coronation Tap in Clifton? I know it well and once lived 200m away. My only trip to Colorado was back in the 60s when as a young RAF cadet I visited the USAAF Academy at C Springs plus a weekend in Denver. Good luck in all you get up to. Derek
Many thanks, yes. I'm always interested in locally brewed ciders, and theirs ... well, there's a reason they serve half pints!

Glad you had a chance to see the Academy. Nice part of the state.

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