Information about your designation when you answer questions

Dec 3, 2007
Holtsville, NY
TomTom Model(s)
2535M Live
Does anyone know how you get the different designations like newbe, pro, users and other titles when you answer questions on this forums. Does it depend on the number of answers you make. Thanks
A Tomtom Pro is someone who attended their training schools, while Experts require at least a minimum Bachelor's degree in Navigational Sciences.
I'm kidding of course. Users get points from other members for particularly good or accurate posts. Kind of like getting a Star when you were in school for doing well on a test.

I think it is earned as you gain reputation points from other users by clicking on this icon in the lower right of a persons post.

IDepending on how long you have been a member, and how many total posts you have under your belt, your point giving ability will be greater and have more impact.

Here is a qucik breakdown on the image chart displaying member reputation:

5 dark green levels = 10 rep points per level
5 light green levels = 50 rep points per level
10 gold levels = 100 rep points per level
1,301 rep points = 1 gold star
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The designations are based on the number of posts the user has made.

Rep points (which used to show) are given by one member to another for a perceived valuable post. The number of rep points one user can give another are also based upon the number of posts the giver of the rep points has.

For example, if I give somebody some rep points, he (or she) will receive more points than if someone who has 100 posts awards points.

The green dots reflect the number of points a user has though I don't know and have never worried about how many points = 1 dot.

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