How to save a Route??

Feb 26, 2011
Seattle, WA (Where it RAINS all the time...)
TomTom Model(s)
Is there a way - you can save a route? Possibly permanently save a route to your computer??

Have a XXL540TM.

Just curious.

And out of curiosity - I requested a WALKING route - from Seattle to the Statue of Liberty.

It took around 30 minutes - for it to plan the route; and then took another 5 minutes to Write the route...

Now states that this is a 2,874 mile walk; and will take 901 hours to accomplish.

I guess TT thinks I'll get into shape - since a similar route going to Cannon Beach, OR - (I looked at a couple of days ago) had me walking for only 57 hours - and 151 miles.... (slightly slower walking speed).

I have at times considered a LONG walk - don't really think me and the wife would be doing this - but just wondering if someway exists to SAVE the route; so that I can still use the TT; but also have this curious route available... :lol:

You can create an Itinerary with up to 48 points per itinerary and have multiple itineraries. Your model has the itinerary feature,

Many people use a 3rd party tool called TYRE in conjunction with Google. See here:

Happy walking.:lol:
- but just wondering if someway exists to SAVE the route; so that I can still use the TT; but also have this curious route available... :lol:

No, you can't save a route that your TT has created for you. It's transitory at best, although you could always request that same route again. If you browse the route instructions as text using Home, it would make an interesting set of screen shots!

The only routing that can be saved are routes you have created yourself, as dhn was describing above.
If you browse the route instructions as text using Home, it would make an interesting set of screen shots!

It takes a while perusing the text. Browsing as images - is 431 images...

If one actually Did the walk - the battery would die long before...

As we perused it - I wished the instructions would let you know when you cross different State lines... They don't. I figured out we were walking up Vale CO (steep mountain) from some of the Highway names... but difficult to know where you are - without actually also coordinating with a physical MAP...

Thanks both for your help. :wave:


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