How to Get 9.061

Dec 20, 2010
Binghamton, New York, USA
TomTom Model(s)
XL 340 TM Live
I'm running 9.058 on my XL340TM. I've seen a couple of threads referencing the availability of 9.061. But Home isn't offering it to me when I update. It's offering me fuel price updates and map corrections, so update is working - at least for some things.

Do they roll out new versions gradually, and my turn will come if I'm patient? Or do I need to do something actively.

You can try this:

Make an Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit's contents.

Then completely remove all loose files in the root of the unit, NO folders or their contents.

Connect to Home. It will offer an application to install and may be the 9.061 version.
I think I saw another topic where there was a quote from TT customer services about this?
They were confirming that v9.061 had not been officially released yet, so it wouldn't be offered by Home.
The same topic may have had the manual download link though.

Edit: Found it, but it was on a different forum.
HERE's the topic, see posts 7 and 10 especially for the details and post 6 for the link.
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Do you have the XL340TM LIVE? (ie: is LIVE printed on the front of the device?)

App 9.058 was never released for anything other than LIVE models, and so far only non-LIVE models are upgradeable to 9.061.

That my explain why you're not getting the update.
Do you have the XL340TM LIVE? (ie: is LIVE printed on the front of the device?)

App 9.058 was never released for anything other than LIVE models, and so far only non-LIVE models are upgradeable to 9.061.

That my explain why you're not getting the update.

That explains it. I have a LIVE model.



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