How long will the 540TM get map updates?

Sep 2, 2010
Northern Virginia
TomTom Model(s)
I noticed after removing all unused voices I have about 80meg left. Wonder how long Lifetime maps will last before it is full.

I noticed my unit of the box came with US_Canada maps around 900 meg

I just do want to pay for a unit that unable to update in a year or 2.

New maps overwrite the space consumed by old maps so there shouldn't be a problem..........
I mean the size of updates and other misc updates.

My other GPS unit went from 2GB to 4GB last year because of the size of the updates and it was only US maps
I don't think so.........

You may have downloaded a new map and TomTom might have called it a slightly different name than the map (folder) on your unit so, in essence, you had two map folders on the unit. In fact, unless you have a 540 World Traveller Edition, you CAN'T have more than 2 gigs onboard.

And various gpsfix files, mapshare stuff don't take up that much room.
Not even Navteq's US maps (which have considerably more detail than TeleAtlas US maps) have grown over 2GB in size. My Garmin Nuvi 855 has 3GB of memory and even with the most recent USA, Canada and Mexico map installed I still have over 1GB of free space.

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