How do I tell TT to travel via another HW intersection?

Aug 31, 2011
I understand that the best way to alter the suggested route is to set an itinerary and add a waypoint (or a VIA if there is only one). My issue is that I want to alter the route by providing the intersection of two highways as a waypoint. When I select to travel by "Crossing or intersection" I see no way to select an interstate. All I see as options are roads. How does one tell TT that the crossing you'd like to travel by is say "I-71 and route 562"?
The interstates are in there, but they can be hard to call up at times, often starting with a compass heading (e.g. N for northbound).

Perhaps an easier solution (I don't know what model you have, so can't point directly to the right screen) ... Do you have the option for using "Point on map" on a 2nd page? Zoom up big, though, as at normal zoom levels, it is easy to select the wrong side of a divided highway! Be sure your point is on the right side.
Well, I found it by using Crossing.

  1. I pressed "Find", then "Address", then "Crossing or intersection".
  2. Entered "Ohio" as the state, and "Cincinnati OH" as the city.
  3. For Street I entered "I71" and then in the drop-down list I selected "I71 Nb".
  4. For Crossing I entered "562" and in the drop-down list I selected "Hwy 562/Norwood"
  5. And... Wala... the intersection popped right up.
Very good. Also good that you noted the "Nb". Pick the wrong spot at an interchange and your TomTom can run you in some pretty funny circles for a while :p

You don't say what model you own, but if you're having particular difficulty coming up a point, and your unit allows for entering of coordinates, you can go to Google maps, zoom on up as tight as you need to, put your mouse where you need to be, and right click on "What's here?" That will give you coordinates to a particular spot. If you are doing 'advanced planning', that can be easier than scrolling around the TomTom screen.
Just out of curiosity I did the search again but this time I selected "I71 Sb" instead of "Nb" and the only thing it did was put the blue cursor on the other side of the road. Same intersection, though.
Hmmm, I'll have to check again as I initially tried to do exactly what spider mentioned in his second post. I tried I71 and then just 71and neither appeared in the list. Maybe I should try Sb71 or S71? I'll double check what I initially tried and also try the other options you've all given. Thanks, appreciate the suggestions. This is a great and helpful forum.

P.S. My model is the XXL 540tm
P.S. My model is the XXL 540tm
That's good - you have full menu options for doing useful things like this on that model. Always take a peek at any subsequent pages indicated by a right arrow to see what options you might be offered in any given situation. It's pretty complete and a nice unit .. one of the last really good ones according to some!
rwish, also remember that you must select the state, then the city, then you can 'Find' "I (eye) 71". Once the page with a couple of selections show press the "down arrow" on the right side to make the keyboard go away and additional selections will then fill the page. Continue pressing the Up or Down arrows to display all the selections.
OK, I now am seeing I71sb (and other interstates) as an option now. However, I was able to duplicate what happened before when they weren't there! Here's what happened & I think this is a useful lesson for anyone reading. My destination was set up by using a specific zip code in Cincinnati (45238). When I tried to set up the waypoint and was asked for the city the first option in the list was:

Cincinnati, OH

So naturally I selected that as the I71sb/562 crossing is also within Cincinnati. On closer look though all the streets listed as options for the crossing are only streets within 45238 which is not where the I71/562 crossing is! When I tried again I didn't select the Cincinnati, OH option (which was obviously 45238 specific) and instead typed the city name in and then the interstate crossing options were available. After getting my via point set up I went back one more time. Now when the list of cities shows as:

Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati, OH

One is the 45238 specific zipcode for Cincy and they other is generic. To me that's misleading. What it should say IMO is:

Cincinnati, OH (45238)
Cincinnati, OH

Mystery solved? Thanks for your help.
Yes, I can see where the double entry of Cincinnati, OH can be confusing.

My thoughts are that the device only remembers what you selected in the past and not what lead you there, ie, the zip code.
So, since you selected Cincinnati, OH the first time and Cincinnati, OH the second time that's all it remembers.

I can't figure out, though, why it's listing Cincinnati, OH twice except that it (Cincinnati, OH) was entered into the data base twice.

I have seen multiple listings of cities with suburbs shown afterwards, but I believe that's the way they are in the data base.

However, what you discovered is good to know.

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