How do I remove a marker?

May 14, 2009
Chicago, Il suburb
TomTom Model(s)
Classic & 730 (daughters')
Learning the features of my TT I set a random marker. I now want to get rid of that marker since it doesn't mark anything of significance. Does anyone know how to do it?


To remove a marker, just set a new one EXACTLY on top of your Home location or the current Destination.

Easiest way to do that is to tap the Orange marker flag pointing off the screen for your home (or the red one for the destination. Thenone the screen has centred on it, tap the blue cursor button and select "Set marker position" again.
HaHa, I spent so long reminding myself how to do it, I missed your reply!

Beaten by myself this time! :lol:
Well, you have an excuse, Andy. Just a bit late where you are. Fatigue sets in!

With your help the green flag is gone but I do have the clear circle at home now.
I can live with that.

Thanks guys!
I just noticed another thing.
Browse Map -> Options -> Advanced has an option to not show on the map Markers.
Version 9.061
The remove marker option will also hide your home and destination markers.

The circle at your home location means you didn't move the marker to the exact home's spot.

Go to browe map -> find -> home
Then tap the cursor (blue circle) button on the bottom
then to "add marker"

That moves it to the exact home spot and the marker should disappear.
The remove marker option will also hide your home and destination markers.

The circle at your home location means you didn't move the marker to the exact home's spot.

Go to browe map -> find -> home
Then tap the cursor (blue circle) button on the bottom
then to "add marker"

That moves it to the exact home spot and the marker should disappear.

I did position it by telling it to find home.
The green circle with flag in it is gone.
Looking closer the circle outline I'm seeing is around the "car" triangle. It may have been there all along and I just didn't notice it :)!


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