House # not correct

Jan 2, 2008
TomTom Model(s)
Go 510
Hi, I just got my TomTom Go 510, and I have a question. I put in my home address, but when I try to navigate there, it stops me down the road from my house. I have tried to navigate to another address, and it did the same thing.
How can I fix this?????

Also, the windshield mount that came with my unit was broken, and the store doesn't have any more units. Where can I get another windshield mount??
As a tomtom newbie I can't offer too much assistance but from what I have found with my unit almost no house number is correct. I figure as long as it gets me to the correct street I can use my own senses to find the house number. For houses that I have been too though I just set them as a favorite using "my position" so its correct
Spdy is right on the money. House numbers have ALWAYS been iffy, but at least it has been relatively close (within a tenth of a mile and always on the right street). POIs are usually better because it's a specific lat/long but sometimes they're way off too.
Welcome to the Forum. TT Support should be able to provide you with a new mount. GIve them a call. That tends to work a bit better than email. Be prepared to tell them when you bought the unit. As a rule they are very good about taking care of things like that. When the x10's were first introduced there was a major problem with the mounts and I think everyone got a replacement.
As for the house numbers, My 910 is usually very accurate. Have you used TT home to get the QuickFix update? That might help.
The TomTom doesn't have a listing of every address in the US. It just knows that on a particular road segment the addresses start at X and go to Y with, say, the odd numbers on the left and the even numbers on the right. When you ask for an address in the middle of that road segment it interpolates where it thinks that house should be.

If the road segments are long and the houses not spaced regularly, the estimated location will be less accurate. And of course some areas have very accurate map info and some have less accurate.

My house was bang on the money, but other houses I've gone to have been off by as much as 50 feet or so. Just don't expect it to get you right to the driveway and you'll be fine.

The POIs in the unit are similarly mixed, because generally they produce them using address databases and geocoding, which has the same issues. If the database of road segments they used to do the geocoding is better than the one in the unit, then the POIs will be more accurate than the addresses. But it's not always the case. I've had POI locations that were way off, but entering the address manually took me right there. Probably the POI was generated from an earlier, less accurate road database.


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