
Jan 28, 2008
Hi - hope somebody can please help me. We only got our TomTom yesterday - and being rather technically challenged, the "Home" is now stuck on 100th Street Johannesburg, which is miles from where our home is.

Can somebody please explain - in short and easy words - how I can change the thing so we can have our real address at the "Home" setting...

Hopefully waiting

Sure. Though it is generally better to set you location according to a nearby point on the map, rather than your home address. Then, if your TT is stolen from your car, the thieves can't find your house ;). It is also usually more accurate to position it using the map.

I will simply indicate the sequence of buttons to push on screen, starting from the beginning...

main menu > Change preferences > Change home location (second page) > Point on map (second page)> Find > Address > Street and house number. Now the flashing blue cursor should be showing on the map near your address. Zoom in to maximum and position the cursor precisely (a little away from your house if you follow my advice), then tap Done.

That's it.
Oops. I should also have mentioned that, whenever you are in the 'map' view, you can place the cursor, and center the map, on your current position by tapping the little blue arrow at the top-right corner (if you have a GPS fix).

So, if you were sat on your drive, you could go Change home location > Point on map > Blue arrow thingy > Done.

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