Help XXL 540M quit working

Oct 9, 2011
I got an tom-tom llx for christmas and all of a sudden it quit working. I tried the soft reboot but didnt do anything.
How often have you used it since you received it?

When you say "quit working", that covers a lot of territory.

Does that mean the screen won't light up at all? Does that mean that it won't acquire satellites to tell you where you are? That it doesn't light up when you connect it to the charging dock?

Speaking of which - did you give it a good, long charge before trying to use it?
yes it was used until just recenty. the computer will reconize it as it searches for updates, but then says it is updated. Take it outside and the onlly thing on the screen is the tom tom hands. while powering down I get a brilliant green color screen then the technical data.
Reinstall the software...

1. Connect to the computer and CLOSE the Home program.
2. Browse the TomTom's storage memory in Windows Explorer (or 'My Computer,' it's the same thing)
3. Make a backup of the entire TomTom memory, but copying EVERYTHING and pasting it to a new folder on your PC.
4. DELETE all the "loose" files i.e. the ones which are not in a folder. Do not delete any folders or their contents.
5. Run Home once more and it should offer you a new copy of the operating software.

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