HELP!! Please....Go730 Maps

May 15, 2010
Hi all

Thanks in advance for any help you can give...
Connected my device to the latest version of Tom Tom Home. It informed me my map was 8 quarters out of I opted for the great value quarterly update package.
It searched my device and offered me the latest map download at a discount price and I left it downloading. Having returned to it the map has downloaded to my computer somewhere...??? and I have an error message saying not enough memory on device to load.......I thought when it searched it would have know what device and memory I had..??
anyway.....what do I do.....having explored my device the original map is around 1.5GB and the new one is over 1.8GB....however my device only has an internal capacity of I think 2GB...
Can I delete the old map whilst exploring my device in TT Go.....or I have a 4gb SDHC card here....should I put it on that....and if so what will the folder be called with the map in it...???? any tips for the install..

any advice would be greatly appreciated....
Good thing you dropped in - we may be able to save you some serious grief.

First thing to do is back up your entire unit to your PC's hard drive. That's a good thing to do not just for this situation, but for any you may encounter in the future. It's REALLY important for what we're doing here. Once we have your new map loaded and running, you'll want to do it again to be sure you've got your new map backed up as well. As long as your maps are backed up, you can recover from nearly anything. Follow instructions here:

Now be sure your new map downloaded OK. Have a look in this folder:

My Documents/TomTom/HOME/Downloads/complete/map

There should be a folder there called North_America_2GB. Make sure that it contains at least a *.cab file, a *.toc file and the big *.zip file. If so, you're good to go.

OK. Since you've got a 730, you have two approaches to solving your immediate problem, neither of which is difficult. You can either delete things to free up memory on your unit to make the necessary space, or you can do as many of us have done and add an SD card and keep your maps stored there and everything else over in the unit's main memory, freeing up tons of space for other things if you like. It may even speed up access to map data for you during navigation. It is that approach that I will explain below. If you don't want to go there, let me know and we'll delete a few things to free up the necessary space on your 730's internal memory. The SD approach surely is convenient for a number of reasons, though.

Buy yourself a 4GB SD card, at least a Class 4 (really doesn't need to be faster than that). Install it into your 730 and connect to your computer. Using your PC copy the ENTIRE existing North_America_ map folder from the internal memory of your 730 over to the SD card. Once the copy is complete (and you DID back everything up to your PC first, right?!), delete that folder from your 730's internal memory.

Just to be sure everything is good, go ahead and disconnect your 730 properly using the USB device disconnect in the lower right corner (little green arrow pointing left and down over something - never could figure out what it was!) and power up and make sure that your 730 now recognizes your SD card and sees your existing North_America map over on the card.

Next, you will want to install the new map. It should be possible to do this successfully with TomTom Home, but just to be safe, use the procedure outlined here instead:

Once your new map is installed, make sure that it is recognized and working, and make that last backup of your unit (two backups really; both internal memory and your new SD card) to your PC's hard drive as I mentioned in the beginning.
Yeee HAAAAA....

Thanks so much for the advice....very thorough if I do say so......
I installed the map onto an SD card......rebooted and been out for a test and everything seems okay.....

I just have to complete a back up of the new map now......or.....if I copied it onto the SD car is the original not always going to be in the TOM TOM folder on the hard drive....???

anyway....thanks again for the advice....really appreciate you taking the time to respond...

Yes, the original updated map stays on your computer in the compressed .cab file but it is still a good idea to use Explorer to make a complete backup of the unit's contents after a map update as some files in other folders other than the map folder may have been altered.
Yeee HAAAAA....

Thanks so much for the advice....very thorough if I do say so......
I installed the map onto an SD card......rebooted and been out for a test and everything seems okay.....

I just have to complete a back up of the new map now......or.....if I copied it onto the SD car is the original not always going to be in the TOM TOM folder on the hard drive....???

anyway....thanks again for the advice....really appreciate you taking the time to respond...

Glad to hear it worked out for you. Now you can update to your heart's content without ever having to bother to go in and delete things to make space. There's also now room on that SD card to fit a European map if you ever get the urge.

Yes, there's a copy of your new map over on your hard drive, but it's best to keep a snapshot of your most recent "working" configuration for later. So we recommend that you take the grand "My Computer" view of things and copy both the folder that represents your internal memory and the folder that represents your SD card over to a spot on your hard drive. It's especially important to have those backups made before you upgrade either your map or the unit's firmware using Home... just in case! We can help you recover from just about anything as long as you've got that map, though.

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