Help! New tom tom one 3rd not working

Nov 29, 2007
So, I bought a tom tom one (US) 3rd edition yesterday.

Backed it up.

Installed all the updates.

Went to use it today soon as I select a point to "navigate to", it locks up while calculating the route and will not budge. Eventually it reboots.

When I hook the tom tom up to my PC, I get an error message via Vista that there are errors on the disk that need fixing.

I try to restore the backup, and it takes about 30 seconds to restore, but nothing really happens. Same contents on the tom tom, that I can see via Windows explorer.

There's also a folder on my tom tom I don't recognize. It's called "garbage" but it has folders in it called firmware.ver and ermanica.b

There's also a folder called "New Folder" that contains garbage files...ascii garbage titles.

Any suggestions (other than contatacting support which is closed right now).
30 seconds to restore seems too short. Have you tried copying the backup files via Windows to the TomTom?
Just to update:

It looks like the unit's 1GB of flash memory was defective.

Any attempt to copy ANYTHING to the unit (or delete anything) was causing odd screw ups....corrupted files that couldn't be deleted, folders containing "garbage" files, etc.

I had bought it at Radio Shack (they're offering the 149.99 deal that many places have now, too) and called them with the problem, BEFORE I called support, on Friday, the 30th. They just said to bring ONLY the unit in, and they'd swap it.

The guy behind the counter was pretty floored. Not skeptical, just surprised. Said he'd sold TONS of them and never seen anything like this. He played with it and could NOT get it to map a route to save his life. It would just lock up while computing the route. We got to talking a bit, about the problem and what I thougth caused it (bad flash memory) and he decided to hook it up to an instore laptop to see what was what. After I showed him the issue, and what would happen when trying to copy any files to (or trying to delete from) the Tom Tom, he was completely stunned.

So I've got a new unit. Updates ran fine. Added POI's to it, no problem. Seems to be a keeper. :)

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