Help needed!!

Nov 30, 2009
I just got tomtom140 with IQ system. I wanna know if it is posible to search for landmarks if i do not know the street name. SUppose i wanna go to Auckland museaum and i don't know the street name, is it possible to navigate to it anyway?
Also, when i am on motortway, the voice says two contradictory things: stay on the right and take next exit which is not possible as all exits are from left side.. Do you know what it means by that? Also, sometimes the prompt says take the left lane and stay on the right which is confusing as well.. Could you please help?
regarding the latter part, i would like to add some more information:
the motorway i drive on has 3 lanes. The gps gave me the following four options at four different places. I am no sure how to interpret these esp when i was not exiting motorway any time soon:
1 keep left and stay on the right lane
2 keep left and stay on the left lane
3 keep right and stay on the left lane
4 keep right and stay on the right lane

all the exits are on the left so there can't be a turn to the right,,

This is my first GPS device so i am kinda new to this whole thingy..

Thanks in advance...
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Try Navigate to-->POI-->Near you-->Scroll down the categories till you (hopefully) find Auckland Museum.

When it says to take the left lane and keep right, usuaaly means that your next turn after keeping in the left lane will be a right turn so it is warning you in advance.

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