
Dec 10, 2009
New Jersey
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom G720 Go
Hi Everyone, I joined this forum so I can try to hook up my GPS (720 Go) I drive a Nissan Versa and I'm very satisfied with the combination. All I need is a phone that works with it and it will be very useful for me. I can plug my gps into the car's sound system and it becomes a bluetooth hands free system where the phone comes through the speakers of the car. As soon as I get a phone that has the internet on it then I can download updates to my gps from my phone and get traffic and weather. If anyone has any neat tricks that I can do with the 720 definitely let me know. thanks again

Hi Everyone, I joined this forum so I can try to hook up my GPS (720 Go) I drive a Nissan Versa and I'm very satisfied with the combination. All I need is a phone that works with it and it will be very useful for me. I can plug my gps into the car's sound system and it becomes a bluetooth hands free system where the phone comes through the speakers of the car. As soon as I get a phone that has the internet on it then I can download updates to my gps from my phone and get traffic and weather. If anyone has any neat tricks that I can do with the 720 definitely let me know. thanks again


Hi and welcome to this forum. Just some advice working automatically with a particular radio station does not work too will. Will cut off very easily from the station you use.

I use at&t Raza V9 which automatically connects to your unit when it is within a certain distance and even when in your pocket. Great for tomtoms traffic.

Finally not all updates can be done from your unit such as map updates and other things that can be done onlly from tomtom home. I have the 920 unit which is like yours but with a larger memory so it can take advantage easlly of the larger north american maps with the larger set of POI's. Most of the other features you mention are the same. Anyways enjoy

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