Headphones not working as expected

Aug 5, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/nl.png" alt="Netherlands" /> Netherlands
TomTom Model(s)
Rider 50
I am new to the forum, and to my Rider 50. Thanks for your patience !
First thing I did was update the Rider's software, next I tested to see if the Rider Navi would work well with one of several in-ear headphones (all with BT) I own.
While sound is heard as expected (pairing, connected, instructions) the Rider does not show the volume control in the quick menu WHEN the headphones are paired ... WITH ANY of my headphones (latest is BT standard 5.3). The manual says this is due to the fact that it has been detected that the headphones are incompatible with device-volume control, and that the headphones' volume control should be used instead. Unfortunately this makes no sense for two reasons :
a) these headphones' volume can be controlled from my phone AND from the ear-bud ... in/on my phone
b) these headphones are latest BT standard (and just a few months old)
So during riding / navigation I am stuck with a volume which I cannot control on the headphones (I wear a helmet of course) and cannot be controlled from the rider, because it refuses to shoew the volume control.
Can anybody help, send me down the path to fixing the problem ?
Thanks !!
Could be a bug in the Rider-50's BT software. Where would one report such with a reasonable chance of it being picked up ? on github somewhere ?

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