Have you ever dropped your TomTom?

Jan 24, 2007
Grand Rapids, MI
TomTom Model(s)
GO Classic & 910
Well this morning I had my heart jump out of my chest. I was carrying my work backpack and a clipboard along with my 910. I tried to open my truck and in the process dropped my 910 as I watched it bounce on the concrete floor in my garage! :eek: It was in the black flimsy holder that comes with it. As I quickly recovered it, my heart was trying to return to my chest and was now stuck in my throat. I slowly opened the zipper expecting to have screen parts fall out.
Fortunately all is well or seems well. No visible damage. Turned it on played an MP3 seems to work. My heart is back in my chest.

No, but I've dropped plenty of other things so I know the exact feeling you describe! Glad everything turned out ok. :)
Whoa, that's what I call a scare! though once I spoke to a TomTom agent, and he assured me that the units are truly sturdy, that they ran tests drooping them on the floor. He mentioned that a cracked screen or something like that would only happen to a unit like a RIDER, if it falls off the bike on the ground at high speed. But still, it's scary!!!!!
Yes, I've dropped my tomtom, especially in the beginning when I didn't mount it correctly.
I also dropped my first TT ONE. It would always fall off the daskboard disk and hit hard on the way down. No damage. Now I know that the ONE mount won't stick to a dashboard disk.
Yeah I have when I didn't mount properly and the mount kept falling off the windshield and it bounced on the dash and dropped to the floor. (Hitting the wiper stalk on the way)
I dropped my TT Saturday night....

It fell onto the kitchen counter, bounced off the counter onto a chair and then came to a rest on the floor...

Amazingly it still works...
I read somewhere that the TomTom QA team test them by dropping them from 1m high table ! No mention that the floor is concrete or not.
If I stick my TomTom to the screen in chilly weather, it surely will drop to the floor when the car heats up.
I now drive blind, just use the voice guidance.:eek:
Yes, my TomTom dropped but no more than a height of about 10-15cm. I didn't secure the windshield mount and *plump* it dropped on my dash while I was driving.

I can't imagine dropping it on a concrete floor. I really need to find a nice case for my TT1 because right now I don't have any casing or bag.

Glad to hear its ok.
TT seem to be pretty good about their durability.
I dropped my TT ONE plenty of times...
usually about at height of 4 ft...
still works fine though =0)
now, it usually stays mounted in my car to prevent me droping it.
I'm really paranoid about leaving it in the car, so I've been taking it in and out each time. I know I will tire eventually.
Dropped mine once... in the middle of the big ice storm we had... getting out of my car it slipped, hit the pavement and BOUNCED. then slid right under the car. I was too scared to even look. But... not even a scratch! i got lucky...
I'v dropped mine twice already. Both times it was in the cheap case. At least it gives it a little cushion. This last time the fabric on the case has a cut about 1/2" long in it. both times it was from a height of 40" to 42" on the concrete floor. I know most Hard Disk will take 50 to 80 G's shock. It is the Plastic and the Glass that is the problem. I guess I've been lucky so far, and I am looking for something else to carry it in.
Yeah, I don't think twice about taking my TT1 with me. It's just such an investment I don't want to risk it leaving it in my car even if it is out of sight.
Unfortunately, I seem to be the exception to the rule. My Go Classic recently fell inside my car, maybe a distance of 2 feet. The device hit the car console face front, resulting in a spider web pattern on the touch screen. The LCD appears to be OK, but I can no longer communicate with the Go. An email to the Sat-Nav people indicate that the cost to replace the touch screen (and LCD) is approximately $180 plus round trip shipping. I'm better off applying that money towards a new Go, currently debating between the One and the 910. Oh, well.
Unfortunately, I seem to be the exception to the rule. My Go Classic recently fell inside my car, maybe a distance of 2 feet. The device hit the car console face front, resulting in a spider web pattern on the touch screen. The LCD appears to be OK, but I can no longer communicate with the Go. An email to the Sat-Nav people indicate that the cost to replace the touch screen (and LCD) is approximately $180 plus round trip shipping. I'm better off applying that money towards a new Go, currently debating between the One and the 910. Oh, well.

Ouch, sorry to hear that.

If you are considering a new unit, I would recommend the ONE however I'm a little biased. :p
I'm way out of warranty range, but TomTom customer service was quick to offer a trade-in for one of the newer models. They offered a new One for $250, which is pretty reasonable. I'm kind of leaning towards the 910 for the text-to-speech and longer battery life, but still haven't decided.

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