Got my TT One wet

Sep 22, 2008
Used it on my motorcycle and got rained on. I had a white screen until the battery wore down - couldn't shut it off. Now it won't come on at all, even when plugged in to the charger. Am I S.O.L. or is there something I can do? :(
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You're SOL. Unless you call tt support and tell them it just died. It's not designed for motorcycle use, so it wouldn't be covered under warranty.
I believe that they has the WET dot inside the units though. Kinda like the one on my cell phone. It changes color when it gets wet!
If it is on there just take it off. It worked for me when I took my cell in! LOL!
Used it on my motorcycle and got rained on. I had a white screen until the battery wore down - couldn't shut it off. Now it won't come on at all, even when plugged in to the charger. Am I S.O.L. or is there something I can do? :(

Not to be a smart ass but that is what they tell you about all TT's except the rider...Not waterproof, I carry a large ziplock bag for my TTonexl just in case or better yet will just take it off and put it in my saddlebag....they do make cases for them that are waterproof

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