Google maps integration?

Thanks for bringing this up, I did not know the Google maps can support this with the TomTom. Works like a charm.

Although the screens on Home are a little different now, I have no trouble using Firefox to do this. In the end, Home's "Open Address" opens as it should, and asks whether I would like to "Show on Map", "Navigate to it" or "Add to favorites" just as it should.

I'm presently running version 3.0.6 of Firefox.

Although the screens on Home are a little different now, I have no trouble using Firefox to do this. In the end, Home's "Open Address" opens as it should, and asks whether I would like to "Show on Map", "Navigate to it" or "Add to favorites" just as it should.

I'm presently running version 3.0.6 of Firefox.

I'm running the same version, also no problems.

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